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Map of Europe - Updated

Map of Europe - Updated

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Major World Blocs

Major World Blocs

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Now, there's a decent amount of stuff to cover here so let us start with Azur Lane. 

Royal Navy

The Royal Navy is no longer apart of Azur Lane as per the prior chapter. Given they surrendered with the terms being their annexation, they are also not considered apart of the Crimson Axis given Iron Blood annexed the nation as a whole thus removing them from the "board" so to speak.

However, you might notice in future chapters that not everyone within the Royal Navy chose to accept this new state. Imperial regions such as Australia and India both declared their independence and as such would be considered neutral nations, for now. However, from the point of Iron Blood, they would merely be rebel provinces to be unconquered. Of these regions, only Australia currently has any Royal Navy KANSEN present, those girls having been in Australia when the Royal Navy officially surrendered. They decided to keep up the fight and as such would form the core of the new nation's navy.

Northern Parliament

The Northern Parliament is in a tricky place right now. They are still officially apart of Azur Lane but unlike the rest of the alliance, they are no longer at war with Iron Blood. What's more, they currently have an alliance of sorts with said Empire. This, expectedly, does not sit well with their allies and as such it remains to be seen whether the Northern Parliament will withdraw completely from Azur Lane or whether they can reach an agreement over the newfound status quo.

Sakura Empire

The Sakura Empire, as mentioned in the prior book, is not considered a member of the Crimson Axis following August's ascension to Empress. This is primarily due to the fact that neither nation has sought to reestablish diplomatic relations following the initial breakdown after the Fuehrer's defeat. 

Whether this changes in the future depends entirely on whether either has a vested interest in the other's sphere of influence but given the vast distances between them, there is a chance that might not occur. That said, with both the regions of India and Australia currently rebelling against Iron Blood this might very well prove the turning point in their relations as both the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood race to conquer both territories. 

Currently, the Sakura Empire and Northern Parliament are temporarily at peace following a truce that has remained in effect long past its expiration date. War could resume at any given moment but neither side has shown a vested interest in such...for now.

Rest of the World

The rest of the world is relatively unchanged from the last book. The war between the Sakura Empire and Dragon Empery has pretty much stagnated due to the Eagle Union focusing heavily on the Pacific Theatre following their defeat against Iron Blood earlier in the year. This has led to most of Eagle Union's KANSEN being deployed in the region which has stabilised frontlines for the time being. 

The Rumelia Empire (Ottoman Empire) has also not changed much given they are one of the few nations not at war. They came close to going to war with Iron Blood but with August taking over and her attention turned elsewhere, they've managed to remain at peace. For now, they continue trading with both the Northern Parliament and Iron Blood in hopes of further strengthening their economy. It should be noted that while they do possess KANSEN but in relatively small numbers not too dissimilar from the current size of Dragon Empery's navy.

The Amazon Confederacy is likewise neutral and with no foreseeable threat to their sovereignty, they continue to remain ignorant of the importance of KANSEN in this era. Whether or not this will change remains to be seen but with all wars far from their shores, it is unlikely. Currently, they have no ties to any bloc but do see Eagle Union as a potential threat.

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