Callie's POV:I smile at Emma who's humming happily as I help her put on some clean clothes after I put baby lotion on her. "Momma, can I see the horsies?" She asks tilting her head slightly and I shrug.
"Maybe but we gotta ask Maggie if we can first. Ok?" I tell her and she nods while clapping excitedly with a big smile making me chuckle.
She's so crazy but cute. I put her shoes on and tie them before picking up the brush. "Alright, Emmy, turn around. Time to do that birds nest," I joke making her gasp and her hands fly up to her hair with a cute pout.
"It not bird nest, momma. It-it just crazy hair," she quickly tells me and I chuckle softly while leaning down to plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"Ok then crazy hair turn around," I say with a chuckle and she turns around so I comb her hair as gently as I can.
She starts humming softly as I braid her hair into two little cute pigtails. "Alright, Emmy, you're all set. Let's go show everyone how you're doin," I softly tell her and she grins up at me.
"Ok, momma," she responds grabbing my hand to hold onto it as I pick up her backpack full of her stuff, "wait can't forget Sprinkles." She grabs her unicorn from the bed before nodding up at me and I smile softly at her.
"Do you feel ok to walk, Lovebug? I can carry you if you want," I softly tell her and she chews on her bottom lip as she moves her head side to side in thought.
Finally she raises her arms up to me, "carry me, momma." I chuckle and gently pick her up setting her on my hip to rest on.
"Alright, Miss princess. Let's get goin," I say patting her bum gently and began walking out of the room. We find the Greene family walking around their house doing stuff.
"Momma, can I say tank you to them for helpin me?" Emma leans up and whispers in my ear. I turn my head to look at her then shrug.
"It's up to you, baby. If you want to then that's fine but if you don't then you don't have too because I already did it when you were asleep," I respond quietly and she leans in kissing my cheek before squirming to get down so I softly set her down.
I watch as she heads over to Beth first who turns and looks down when Emma tapped her leg. "Oh hey Emma. How are you doin?" The blonde girl sweetly asks smiling down at my daughter who grins up at her.
"I doing ok, Bethy. Just want to say tank you for helping me get better," Emma tells her jumping slightly in place then wraps her small arms around the girl's legs before pulling back and beckons the short girl to bend down which she does making my daughter lean in planting a small kiss on her cheek.
Beth pulls back and smiles softly at her. "Aw thank you, Emma. And there's no need to say thank you, sweetie pie. We're always here to help," she softly tells her and softly tickles my daughter's chubby stomach making Emma laugh cutely and I smile at the cute sight.
Emma backs away to grab my hand and pulls me along to the next person who happens to be Veronica who knelt down to be my daughter's height.
"Well, howdy, miss Castle. You feeling better?" She softly exclaims tapping Emma's nose and my daughter giggles while leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek just like she did with Beth.
"Yup! It still hurts a little when I turn but I ok," Emma responds cutely and carefully set her hand on her side that has the bandage.
Veronica nods in understanding with a smile. "That's good. Now if it still hurts after you eat then one of us will give you medicine," she softly tells her and my daughter nods slightly.

Finding love again
FanfictionCallie is Shane's younger sister by 2 years. All Callie and her brothers are trying to do is survive in this new damaged world and protect their loved ones. She didn't expect to find love along the way. Callie is Gp! CalliexMaggie Season 1 and 2...