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"What's the Challenge of the Brave?" Varian asked, looking at a poster in the Capital Square.

"Some big fighting event." Clyde shrugged.

"Fighting? And people go to watch it?" Varian frowned.

"Hey, a fight is great entertainment, when you're not in it." Clyde shrugged again. "Anyways, we gotta head to Xavier's to pick up that stuff, remember?"

"Right, the alchemy supplies and horseshoes." Varian nodded and turned to walk on.

"Oh, hey, Varian!"

"Hm?" He turned to see Cassandra behind them. "Miss Cassandra, hi!" He greeted, smiling.

She walked over to him, carrying a basket. "I didn't know you were coming into the city today. Also, skip the 'Miss', it's just 'Cassandra'."

"Okay." He shrugged. "We're running errands."

"Is your mom around?" Cassandra looked around.

"Nope! Just us!" Clyde grinned.

"Oh, Cassandra, did you meet Clyde yet?" Varian asked.

"No, I don't think so." Cassandra shook her head. "But, wasn't he with you at the Gopher Grab?"

"Indeed, I was! Great memory!" Clyde grinned. "Clyde Miller of Old Corona, pleasure to meet you, miss!"

Cassandra chuckled. "Uh, Cassandra Solomon of the Capital City, pleasure to meet you, too."

"Hey, Cassandra, what's that about?" Varian pointed to the poster.

"The Challenge of the Brave?" She chuckled. "It's a tournament. The strongest warriors come from all over the Seven Kingdoms to fight against each other and the winner is known as the strongest warrior in all the Seven Kingdoms, and earns respect and fame."

"Wow! Can anyone join?" Varian asked.

"Uh...well, technically, yes, but they have to be a warrior." Cassandra reminded them. "Can you two fight?"

", but we can learn!" Clyde insisted.

"Yeah!" Varian nodded.

"I think you better not, we don't need your mom coming in and murdering the other fighters for hurting you, Varian." Cassandra said nervously.

"...Oh, right." Varian nodded, then looked up at Archimedes. "I guess she would do that, huh?"

"And dad would never approve of me joining it." Clyde shrugged.

Varian kicked at the ground with a pout, then sighed. "Ah well. It was nice to talk about it, at least. We better finish our errands."

Cassandra frowned thoughtfully. "Hey,'s not the tournament, but maybe I can teach you two how to fight sometime? I've got some training grounds out in the woods I can take you to."

They both brightened up. "That'd be great!" Clyde said excitedly. "Uhm, when do you want to do this?"

"Don't you want to be able to train, though?" Varian looked at the poster. "You're a warrior, right? Are you entering it?"

"Yeah, that's the plan. And, hey, I can call it training." Cassandra shrugged. "But, for now, I gotta get to the castle. See you tomorrow at noon?"

"Yeah!" Varian nodded. "See you then!"

She smiled and headed off and Clyde nudged Varian playfully. "You're a little too happy to be trained by her, aren't you, buddy?"

Varian blushed. "Don't know what you're talking about. Let's go get the shopping done."

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