Author's Note

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A/N :  I'm sorry that this is another author's note , but I'm not forcing any of you to read it . You can simply dismiss it and groan for this disappointment .

So a while ago , I was on Instagram and I came across this picture that quoted , "To Be Loved Is A Price All Woman Needs To Pay ." followed by the picture of a woman surrounded by cosmetics , plastic surgeons , a diet that contains nothing but a little food and pills . I have to say that I turned sick just looking at it . But then, that isn't stopping people from doing it .

I'm turning 16 this year and I have to admit people around me , probably even people 3 years younger than me , knows how to do their make up and starve themselves so that they could fit into this "cool jeans shorts " they brought 2 weeks ago which they know very clearly that they can't fit into but they insisted on buying them because they didn't want the salesgirl to know that they don't have that size 0 body and needs one size up .

I have to say , I feel ... I don't even know how I feel . But I'm here to say that not many people at this age keep it real . Some of you might be sitting there like " YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO MAKEUP ? WHAT WERE YOU DOING YOUR WHOLE LIFE ?" Eating . That's what I've been doing .

The problem is that , girls , make up or not , it's not going to change who you are . Physically , yes ; mentally , no . You can't just cake a face and suddenly you speak 52 different languages . It's not happening . Why make up to fit in? Ask yourself .

I have , in fact , a whole drawer of them . My mom had been encouraging me to use them but I don't see why I need it . Thus , It had been laying there for a period of time now , untouched . To cover up my freckles ? I think freckles are beautiful . It's more down-to-earth . To cover up my zits ? How thick of a layer of foundation will I need to suffocate my face with . I don't want to walk around my day worrying if my make up had somehow ... uhm .. shifted places . I don't want to waste my time drawing a line on  my lid , just so that I could fit into society's way of judging people ?

Girls , it's not that I'm saying things against make up , but , why did you do it ? Because people your age do it ? If you're not doing it for yourself then you're putting them on for the wrong purposes.

Girls , I know that some of you feel bad about your body . About the size of your boobs , or having some curves and maybe your pale skin . One thing for sure , PLEASE , do not do things like taking pills or plastic surgeries or even skip meals . Waist trainer are you kidding me ? All of these , for the sake of society's beauty standards? You can't put your happiness on the satisfaction of the society . Please , you're doing it for the society all along and you didn't even know it . You like that cake , eat it . A can of coke ? You can have two . The truth is , nothing makes you happy unless you're really happy about it .

I know that sometimes society have it's way of judging people . They push you , they laugh at you , they judge you , they'll do anything to bring you down . But they're the same society that told us to stay original , to not listen to the harmful words people say , to be yourself and be happy about life . They're playing a game of angel and demon on the same plate and you're standing down because you couldn't beat the demon .

You can't let what people say change who you are . You know why ? Because they don't know how good a double chocolate cake taste like , they don't know how delicious a double cheese pizza taste like , they don't know the feeling of how you're comfortable cuddling instead of a figure of bones poking out at you , they don't know what it's like to be safe when a tornado hit's because we're prepared for that , they don't know what it's like to wake up everyday  and not worry about what food has less calories and what to eat to not gain weight , they don't know now what it's like to eat a cheese burger with extra fries at mcdonalds , they don't know the joy of finishing a tube of ice cream while watching some remance movie late night because they need to get their beauty sleep and they think supper is fat .

You don't need all of these . You know why ? Because there are people out there trying to gain weight because apparently they were "too skinny" . But they can't because they were born with high metabolism . They're trying to be you while you're trying to be them . Why don't we just stay the same and love ourselves and live our lives that makes us happy instead of the society . Life is short and there's not much time before it'll be too  late .

How can you die today knowing that you hadn't had a piece of that cake today ?

Another things is that , girls , why would you even do this ? Why would you go after the hot guys that does nothing but think about getting laid or worrying about his hair and packs all the time ? Why would you think that the nerds are lame ? Why would you do that ?

We all know well that those 'hot guys" that you're on about , yeah , in 10 years they'll be working in Mcdonalds freaking "May I get your order ?" when 10 years ago he was rejecting you because his "popularity couldn't afford the risk" . Yeah unless he's Alex from Target but I have to be honest and I'm not appearing offensive but I don't find him a tad attractive .

 You know what's attractive ? Good Grammar . Boys with wide knowledge of the world . Boys with manners . Boys that think before they do . Boys that had been studying for a place in university so that he can get a steady job for his future family . Boys that is loyal because they don't fool around like most teenage boys do these days .

These are the boys who would save up for a expensive dinner because he wanted to make your first date special . These are the kind of boy who would be smiling at night after a long talk on the phone and the smile to the feeling of falling asleep with your heart beating to his . These are the boys who would fight for anything just to make sure that you get the life that you deserve . These are the boys who would still prove their love eventhough you turned 60 with your hair white but he'll still roll over every morning facing you and tell you that you're beautiful .

These are the boys that you friendzone . These are the boys you labeled as the nerds or geeks in school . Just because they're good at school doesn't mean that they're a nerd . It's simply because they have plans for their future . They're doing stuff to their life and it's going to be worth it in the future .

And you're giving up all of that for some lame fuckboy that's going to break your heart and give you STD ? 

Let's not miss out that most nerd blush at times , they slutter sometimes because they're distracte by the beauty they see in your eyes , they try hard sometimes trying to plan on a perfect date and they just don't care of your physical apprearance because they just don't roll that way .

Behind those glasses and thick book , you'll never know now much your life could change .


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