Chapter 6- Heartache On The Big Screen .

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Aubrey's P.O.V

I don't know why I feel this way whenever I'm near him . I tried to stop myself but the feeling grew stronger by second . It's like my limbs have a brain on it's own , and that my heart doesn't seems to beat for myself anymore .

Every time I touch him , the spark grew stronger and the adrenaline rush is intoxicating . The way his voice rolls into my ears makes my heart flutter , and the way he smiles makes me wanna trace my lips against his and boy trust me , that isn't going no no with my va-jay-jay .

There's no turning back Aubrey .

I couldn't help but notice how grand his house looked . Well , his parents house to be specific , I'm pretty much sure he doesn't live here anymore since he's all rich and ..old . At least that's just too old to be living with his parents .

The white painted walls and the crystalline floor was glimmering , everything around the house kind of reflected Queen Elizabeth's castle , they were breathtakingly beautiful . No extra description needed .

He leaded me towards the living room , which is where his parents said that they'll join us after they do the dishes . I examined the room , making mental debates of the costs of the objects around the room , ain't wanna break anything that cost more than my organs could change . The marble floor is shining like they'd been polished 50 times a day , reflecting my figure clearly .

"Here . " He gestured me to sit beside him , which I obediently followed . Gosh , I'd never laid my butt on sofas this comfy ! Damn this must've cost them millions !

We small talked for a minute or two , with me giggling at the fact that I hadn't got myself fired yet .

Just as I was starting to get comfy around him , his gaze caught mine . A sudden knot reached my throat , a foreign dry crawled up my tongue as I let my heart go for a marathon . My breath were caught on my throat as I try to chock out any terms of word.

"You know , I don't know why I'm so attracted to you . " I said silently , lifting my arms, brushing off the hair that had fallen down in front of his forehead . It took me 0.1 milliseconds to process what I've done with my hands . And I did it as if it was the most normal thing on earth !

Holy shit I've just touched him . What is wrong with your self control Aubrey ?!

"Well I'm attracted towards you either , just 59 times stronger ," he held my hands near his mouth , I could even feel his breath brushing against my knuckles . I gulped , my mind were a wide field of blankness .

"I .. I don't know why I have the urge to touch you Zack , this is new to me . I feel like a creepy molester that can't seemed to place my hormones in place near you . " I placed another hand at his chest , which is totally automatic-ly . WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY AUBREY ?! I can't seemed to keep my hands off him .

"Then you have no idea how much you drive me insane when you're just so beautiful every glimpse I take . " He whispered into my knuckles , with me blushing my tomatoes off by the way he called me beautiful .

I wasn't the beautiful type . I was never beautiful . I have the body , yes , but I don't have the looks . My eye shone a color of golden . Like , Psht , imagine someone looking at you with golden eyes , freaky , I know . I looked like a freaking cat . My hair is long and the end curls naturally , which does not even match my squared face . My nose seemed too large and my lips were too thin . I'M just that ugly that plastic surgens will reject my request .

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