Chapter 2- You're Fired

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"Get your hand off her mister ," the so called 'guard' came in a matter of seconds . He squirmed when he met gaze with me.

My nostrils flared with the familiar scent of pine and I and smirked . Good , he's from the pack .

I raised my brows at him before pulling her to my side . "I believe that you will be on your way out now , yes ? "

He gulped , hesitating if this is what he'll do . Psht , yes or no , the answer will still be 'obey the alpha ' .

"I-I uh..I'm sorry Aubrey . I have things to do .. " he looked apologetically at the angel in my arms and made up a lame excuse , before rushing off like his ass is on fire .

"So I guess it's just you and me now . " I smirked , closing the door slowly behind us.


Aubrey's P.O.V


I watch as he slowly close the door behind him , closing off the exit of hell .

I took a moment to admire his clean features , his masculine arms were inked with a tattoo of an arch , making him a little more badass than it was before ; his ocean blue eyes showed a spark of turquoise , which is really mesmerizing if you look closely ; his tall and perfect nose lead my gaze down his soft but thin lips ; his blonde hair was waxed upwards , giving me a full sight of his forehead , not hiding the small scar by the left corner of it .

Gosh , it's really hard to imagine his face but you'll know when you see it . It's like he'd just walked out of a underwear model catalog .

"What do you want ? " I asked , my voice trembling . In situation like these ,there are only two possibilities , one , I'll get raped , two , I'll be murdered . Or maybe both . Depends on his mood . And he doesn't seemed like he's playing Barney today .

"You . " He answered , his eyeballs not distilling for even a bit . His voice firm , but a soft kick reached my ears .

Excuse me ,WHAT ?! I raised my brows , Okay then..

It is confirmed . This will be the day I will regret being such a lazy ass to think of earning money the easy way , that is , being a stripper . I mean , it's not my fault I failed Algebra , I just don't seem like one to be sitting in an office till the day I die .

What ? Don't look at me like that !Everyone wants to earn easy money . And I'm proud enough to say that I'm not dealing drugs to do that. Plus , I love dancing . It's a win-win kind of situation .

"Excuse me , but WHAT ?" I pushed my hands to stop him from inching anymore further .

"Like I said , I want you. " He smirked , taking a huge step forward , closing the distance between us . He snaked his arms around my tiny waist , pulling me towards him . Like yeah , totally not forced against a wall . Mmhmm , great wall of China right here .

"Mate . " He purred as he buried his head at the crook of my neck . "Mine."

Okay , can someone maybe check the back of his shirt ? There may be numbers . You know , maybe he escaped from a mental institution ?

"Uhm , excuse me mister .. I uh .. I don't do one night stands .. " I pushed him slightly , trying to get away from his grip . But guess what people ? Someone decided to turn into iron man .

He growled lowly , befor- wait , did he just growled ? Holy What ?! Got something stuck in your throat there mister ? A popcorn ? An apple ? A Samsung ? A scrape of iron ? Or maybe your brain ?

"I'm not here to bang you , even if I really wanted to .." he inhaled deeply at my neck , before looking back at me again , "I'm here to make you mine . "

Ha . Someone call the cops .

"Psht , I'm sorry mister , but I'm nobody's . I'm not going to leave this club and go to yours , pay rise or not , I'm still not leaving . "I pushed him and kept him in an arm's length , stringing out the possibilities of his aim here .

He smirked . "That could be arranged ."

"Excuse me , what ? " Arranged ? What are you ?

"One minute , " He pulled out his phone and began texting .

Owh kay...... should I shove him out of my room ? Okay , great idea .

"Uhm Mister ? I'm sorry but you'll have to leave , " I pointed towards the door , gesturing him to leave .

"Name's Zack , it's important that you remember it . " He smirked , a satisfying grin playing at the corner of his lips . "I prefer it more than 'boss' when it comes to the words rolling off your tongue."

"You're drunk .. Zack or whosoever , my boss will have to come down here and shove you away if you don't leave , like now ." I gave him the 'pssht' look .

"Wait for it ... Wait for it.." he counted the seconds , looking at me with a smile . I was trying to figure this man out before the door is being threw open.

"Ah , Mr.Federico , here are the keys , I'll be on my way out in no time . "Derrik , my boss , threw Zack the keys for the club and flashed him a smile . I recognized the key as it had a cute little coconut on the key chain .

Whoa whoa whoa , what's going on ?

"Aight . I'll have my lawyer sending you the contract tomorrow afternoon and if you're not satisfied with the digits on the check , I'm willing to offer more . " Zack pulled on a serious face , turning all business mode all of a sudden . I'm betting 5 dollars that he's a businessman . No doubt .

"No no no Mr.Federico , that's more than enough . I'll see you tomorrow , have a nice day . " Derrik then close the door behind him , with me still stunned in position .


"Did you get my name cara mia ? " He smirked , pulling me closer towards him .


"I'm quitting . " I announced , trying to pull out of his death grip .

Okay , I'm just letting my anger get the best of me , I'm so not quitting . This is my only source of income .

"No you're not. You're fired . "

"What ? You can't do that."

"You heard me . "

"But...But I'm joking ! I need the money ! You can't do this to me ! I failed school !"

"Nope . you're still fired . Meet me at my office at the central of Venice tomorrow , you know , the company with the word 'Fedrico Corp ? ' . Request for me and someone will bring you straight to my office . I have a job assigned for you , thrice the pay you get every month . "His grip tightened to a point that it started to hurt , causing me to squirm slightly .

"What do you mean I have a job assigned for me ? What ? I'll pole dance in your office all day ? Sorry but I'm not interested . "I brushed his offer off like a piece of trash . This man is unbelievable .

"8 thousand dollars . "He announced . "8 thousand for your first month . "

I gulped . Okay , 8 thousand .. wow that's a lot , compared to the salary I got now , which is like .. 4000 each month if I'm lucky .

"Okay... so when do I start and what do I do ? "

"Tomorrow at 8 a.m , wear something office-like . I'll meet you at my office by then . And the job selection , I'm still considering it . Just show your nice ass up and you'll get paid ."


A/N : well...? That's a nice start . Next goal , 50 Views , 6Votes in total . :) THANK YOU!!

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