Close Air

188 5 0

(Phillip Graves and several members of Shadow Company operate inside their AC-130 Spectre Gunship callsign Shadow-1. Graves walks along the fuselage, giving orders to his men. Three crew members stand by a 105mm cannon and load a round inside the tube. A fourth gunner loads another round into the rack)

Graves: Loaders, get your rounds in the can

Shadow: Yes, Commander

Graves: Nav, set a heading for that compound

Shadow: Roger

Graves: Fire officer, keep a hand on the hot switch, we're just gettin' started here

Shadow: Solid copy!

Graves: Pilot, you have the con. Once on station, circle the target, bring us around

Shadow Pilot: Sir

Graves: Comm, get me General Shepherd

Shadow: Rog, stand by... Shepherd's up, sir

Graves: Gold Eagle Actual, this is Shadow-1, how copy?

Shepherd: Loud and clear, Shadow-1, send traffic

Graves: I had to bail your boys out, luckily they have friends in high places

Shepherd: That's what you're there for. Tell me something' good

Graves: We got a hit on Hassan. Approaching the target location now. We'll get this bastard rolled up for a little talking' too

Shapherd: That's what I like to hear. Report back when Hassan's in the bag

Graves: Roger that. Out here. All shadows, listen up! These guys on the ground... Mexican Special Forces, 141, they are your brothers now. You treat 'em like your own and let's get this done, yeah?

Shadows: YUP-YUP!

Graves: Alright! Ghost, this is Shadow-1, orbiting the compound now. Standing by for visual...

(On the outskirts of the compound)

(Player, Soap, Ghost, and Alejandro approach the target location in their vehicle)

Ghost: Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We'll mark our position with IR laser. Over

Graves: Roger that, 0-7

(The group parks their vehicle and dismounts)

Soap: How do we find Hassan?

Alejandro: He'll have an armed guard

Player: Of course. Cartel protection

(Player, Soap, Ghost, and Alejandro take cover)

Soap: Lotta places to hide...

Ghost: Graves covers with close air. We clear the buildings.

Soap: Copy that, L.T.

Ghost: Mark us. Shadow-1, we're east of the compound. Position is marked.

(Soap takes out his IR laser and waves it at the sky)

Shadow Pilot: Off the trigger.

Shadow: Copy

Shadow: TV, friendlies are marked with IR laser. Confirm visual

(The gunner switches from normal vision to thermal vision and marks the location of the TF-141/Los Vaqueros team)

Just a modern warfare fanfic (Reboot) (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now