Highway of death

602 14 3

Farah: The wolf is with the butcher. Terrorist cells in the city will hide them. Bravo will clear house to house search, my people will help you. If they try to escape to the mountains, there is only one road. Tariq Almawt. The highway of death. The Russians bombed it during the invasion, killing the people trying to escape. There is a village at the crossroads. I sent Hadir and his fighters there to prepare an ambush. Alex and I will join them and take up firing positions above the road, lying in wait for the wolf

Player: Good luck, Alex

Alex: Same to you

(Alex and Farah are in a truck, driving to a small village)

Farah: The highway is below us. Hadir has reinforcements in position to ambush the wolf

Alex: We're easy prey for the Russians out here

Farah: Yes, our window is short, and Barkhov's men will be on the hunt. He has lost control. He will come to take it back. Hold here!

(The truck stops. Alex and Farah hop out)

Farah: Let's move. We have to cut the wolf off at the pass

(Alex and Farah walk through some demolished buildings)

Farah: Before the war, this village had families and laughter

Alex: Laughter is the best medicine

Farah: Tell me a joke

Alex: What happens when the CIA goes to sleep?

Farah: What?

Alex: They go undercover

Farah: (Chuckles) Not bad

Alex: Probably better in english

Farah: You told it in english


(The village is being overrun by Al-Qatala)

Hadir: Come on, Alex! I have ordnance in my truck! Help me!

Alex: What's in it?

Hadir: My truck is full of explosives! Very powerful explosives! It's time to use them!

(Alex opens the tailgate and sees the stolen Russian gas)

Alex: Russian gas?!

Hadir: Yes! And now we send it back to the Russians!

(The truck rolls towards tue enemy forces and explodes, releasing the gas)

Hadir: The gas masks are in the bunker, hurry!

Farah: Hadir! What is this?!

(Hadir puts on a gas mask)

Hadir: A taste of their own medicine!

Farah: What?!

Hadir: The gas! If they can use it, so can we!
Go, sister! Inside!

(Alex falls over, but Hadir puts a gas mask on him and drags him into the bunker)

(Farah also has a gas mask on)

Farah: How could you do this?!

Hadir: We had no choice, Farah! All bets are off now!

Farah: No, not like this!

(Farah passes out)

Hadir: Alex! Listen to me, I stole the gas from the Russians. To help us, and only to help us!
Tell Farah... Tell her, Alex

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