The Aftermath

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That night, Bobby returned home to find Athena there with open arms. Right when Bobby was in the house away from work and everyone else, he let everything he was feeling out and collapsed. Athena of course, was right there by his side, trying to keep it together herself.

"I failed Athena, I failed," Bobby said

"No. Bobby no. You did not fail. We still don't know yet if he's gone. There's still hope." Athena
mentioned, trying her hardest to stay positive.

"There's no way he could have
survived that Athena. It's impossible.
I never even got the chance to fix
things, I was so focused on the fact
that Buck tried suing us that I pushed him away. Now he's gone."

Athena and Bobby stayed like that,
huddled together for what felt like

Chimney just got home to see Maddie and jee-Yun cuddling on the couch. Chimney sat down next to Maddie, and right away Maddie knew something was not right

"Chim is everything okay," Maddie asked getting worried

Chimney didn't know how to tell Maddie. He didn't know how to tell her that her baby brother was swept away in a landslide and that they couldn't find him. He knew that he needed to.

"Maddie... something happened today at work when we were at the landslide." Chimney let out

"What happened," Maddie asked looking confused but still worried

"It's Buck. He and Eddie went down to look for survivors, on their way back a second landslide happened and Buck wasn't able to make it out of the way in time." Chimney said trying his hardest to stay strong for Maddie

"W-what. I-is he okay?" Maddie asked starting to panic

"Maddie...I'm sorry, we looked for him but we couldn't find him" as tears fell out from Chimney's eyes

Maddie sat there silently, not knowing what to say. Tears were pouring from her eyes

"H-he has to be okay though right?" Maddie asked

"I don't know Maddie, we didn't find him alive or... Chimney trailed off, not being able to finish his sentence

"He has to be ok, we have to go back there and look. I know my baby brother, he is strong and he's a fighter, he doesn't give up easily"
Maddie said, really hoping that she was correct

"Athena has already sent out rescue teams to search that whole area and more, we will probably hear more about it tomorrow," Chimney told Maddie to try and calm her down

"Buck can't be gone Chim, I can't lose him." Maddie cried

"I know Mad's, like you said, Buck is strong, he's a fighter.

"Please be okay Buck" Maddie whispered

Hen also returned from work to see her wife, Karen sitting on the couch

"Hey babe, how was work?" Karen asked

"Buck was in an accident, we tried to look for him but, we couldn't find him." Hen told her, tears falling down her face

"What? Is... is he gone?" Karen asked while comforting her wife

"We don't know for sure but, it was a landslide a bad one. Nobody survived the first one."

"I don't want to say this because I want Buck to be okay but, it was really bad. I have a feeling he didn't survive" Hen said feeling horrible about saying it

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