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"Consider not doing that, please."

"Wow, how'd you even know I was hiding right here?" Surprised, Lee Seokjin comes out from his hiding space behind the door and settles for taking a seat on the bed instead. "Got a third eye you forgot to tell me about?"

Chuckling, Lee Saein drops her pen on the white desk and turns around to face her older cousin. "Rather a sixth sense that I've acquired over the many years of living with you. Is something the matter?"

Seokjin laughs hearing that first sentence. To his ears, it sounds weirdly pleasant. He soon focuses on the second thing said by the younger. "Not really. Just wanted to see what you're up to today. You haven't even asked me yet why I'm at home at all and aren't surprised I hid behind the door? Sigh, that's pretty disappointing!"

Clicking her tongue and rolling her eyes, "oh, well, maybe it's because Oppa likes to return home at odd times? And you dare be sad because I noticed you hiding. You weren't that silent, you know?"

"I'll try do better next time." Seokjin promises. He watches how his younger cousin breaks out into a somewhat displeased pout. It matters little however, he knows well Saein isn't actually so against it. And thus he stands up and walks up to the seated girl, patting her black hair lovingly. "Oh my dearest cousin! Don't sulk, don't sulk!"

"Am not sulking!" Saein argues, pushing away the older's hand from her hair, "and don't do that!"

"I know, I know! Saein-ah doesn't like it when others touch you." Seokjin remembers, but shows no signs of stopping.

"I swear I'll kick your dick if you don't leave my hair be!"

Saein's threat is proven useful as Seokjin quickly lets go and steps away from her as if burned by hot iron. "Always so cold," he complains, albeit rather playfully. With a sudden cheeky smile on his handsome face he continues; "Don't wanna know why I'm here?"

"Oh? So you did come home with a better reason than to bully me, after all?"

"Tsk, be nice! Or else I won't tell you!" Seokjin says, going to leave the room.

Saein quickly stops him by grabbing onto his wrist. "Oppa~," she starts sweetly. "What is it? It isn't anything bad, is it?"

The older gives in and sits back down on the bed. "Of course not. If something bad were to have happened, would mom and dad really have asked me to tell you? Dad would much rather talk to you himself."

"Mn, you're right about that." Saein agrees. Uncle and Aunty would never ask Seokjin oppa to talk to me about anything bad. "What did they send you for, then?"

Seokjin sighs in exasperation. "Let me be clear, it still isn't anything joyous just because it's not too bad!"

"Yeah, yeah. Got it! Tell me already!"

"I'm gonna take over from dad."


Saein needs a moment to understand what Seokjin means by that. Gonna take over from Uncle? What is there that Oppa could possibly take over from Uncle? Not much. Just the position of chairm...

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