Chapter 3: A Friendly Encounter At the Beach

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Seokjin is definitely right about Saein not remembering that specific day of fifteen years ago. However, a small part of Saein does remember, and it decided to act up and be difficult during the first night. Forcing the unsuspecting youth to fall into a pit of dark dreams.

Or rather, dark memories.

Memories Saein can no longer remember, locked away in the deepest part of her brain. Memories of having suffered the loss of her dearest family members. The people she can still remember very well, as well as the incident that stole them from her.

Which Saein can also still remember too well.

But that one memory of having waited for her oldest brother at the coastline where they'd play on a daily basis, that memory has been forgotten. And for some unexplainable reason, being back in Busan opens way to that memory as she sleeps.

That day had been hot. The sun high in the sky, scorching hot, making the surface of the vast sea look like a sea of crystals rather than water. That's just how wonderfully beautiful the scenery had been from the coastline of the abandoned square. And it was also so nicely silent there. All one could hear was the water clashing against the coastline, the sound having a calming effect.

Yet it did not really work on little Saein. The usually quiet square was filled with a child's sobbing, and it was the most agonising sound ever.

Saein can hear it. It is surprisingly deafening.

Saein can also feel it. The pain, the grief, the confusion and the fear. All of it. And it makes her stomach churn uncomfortably.

She can see it, too. The fifteen year old Seokjin who came to find her. Somehow however, his appearance makes it no better. Saein can feel the pain in her chest get worse and worse until she awakes in start.


Sitting up feeling frightened and confused, Saein feels her heartbeat with her hand. She can feel it racing unusually fast, which she knows to be a bad thing. Saein closes her eyes and thinks about what she just dreamed of.

That was a dream, right? Why do I feel like it was everything but a dream?

No, Saein decides she has had enough sleep and dreams for the night. She quietly gets out of bed and walks outside the bedroom. The livingroom is dark, even more quiet than the bedroom is, too. But that doesn't really matter. Saein reaches the balcony and opens the door, stepping out into the fresh air.

The night is not cold. Although not too warm either, at least the weather isn't so bad it makes you sweat doing nothing. So it can be said to be good. With there also being a gentle wind and a clear sky, Saein actually thinks this is a perfect night. She feels satisfied and leans over the balcony railing. It is made of glass and wood, looking very modern. Not that Saein cares though.

Not too far away from the hotel is the beach. Saein can see the beach and the sea itself just perfectly from where she is standing, and it brings comfort to her troubled mind. It's still the sea after all. Even after all these years, the sea still knows how to make me feel better.

Even Saein herself is unsure of just how much she remembers and forgot. What things have been buried, and which things have not?

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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