Chapter 2: A Heavy Memory at the Coastline

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"Want me to drop you on the bed?" Heeseung asks after the door closes behind the two of them. He walks further inside and makes his way over to the farthest side of the room, where a movable screen hides where the beds are supposed to be.

"Sure. I'll claim the biggest bed!" Saein hits Heeseung's shoulder gently to signal him to walk faster. She is pretty much tired of all that carrying around. "Yes!" She exclaims the moment Heeseung lowers her onto the king-size bed, "finally here!"

Heeseung scoffs softly. "You're the one fighting Hyung for the bed. Keep me out of it, will you?"

"Why should we fight over a bed? I've got better things to do." Saein looks at Heeseung as if he just told her giraffes are purple with orange stripes. Heeseung can't help but face her dumbly, his mouth hung low. "What...?" Both confused and slightly annoyed, what are you saying? The two of you fight over the most unnecessary things ever! However, he doesn't say this out loud. "Whatever suites you best." He goes for.

Saein can tell from just the look in his eyes what her cousin is thinking. It amuses her. "Angry?" She asks. "You've never lashed out at us before. I might've found you attractive were I any other girl."

Heeseung raises an eyebrow hearing this, sitting down on the bed opposite Saein. "Oh? Why so?"

Chuckling amused, "what? You don't think yourself ugly, right? There isn't such thing as 'ugly genes' in this family of ours. Other girls always glare at me so menacingly before they find out we're family!"

"Is that so?" Heeseung sighs exasperatedly, yet a smile comes along.

There's no guy in this world who dislikes being complimented for their looks. How cute. Saein thinks to herself. She removes her left shoe from her foot and falls backwards onto the large bed. "So comfy!" She says, satisfied. Sitting back up with her legs crossed, "eh, Heeseung-ah, should we do something fun?"

Heeseung shakes his head chuckling, having expected for the other to suggest mischief. "What fun can you possibly take part in when you were only just told to allow your foot some rest? Just behave and stay seated."

Clicking her tongue a little annoyed, "who says I need to walk in order to have fun? You're so short-sighted."

"Short-sighted? Who's Short-sighted? Wouldn't be me!" Heeseung cannot help but defend himself. "It's you who's too reckless!"

Saein scoffs, feeling offended. She opens her mouth to defend herself but then her expression changes from offended to something akin to agreement. But then a very proud form of agreement. "Yeah," Saein nods to herself. "I am quite reckless."

Heeseung slaps his face sighing. "Not only are you reckless, you're shameless."

"Such kind compliments I'm getting from you today. Got any more?" Saein asks with a raised eyebrow. To which the other shakes his head, giving up. "No, no more. Shouldn't you be on call with Nicholas and Sunghoon by now? You pretty much threatened them to pick up."

Saein shoots him a look of distaste. "I didn't threaten anyone!"

"Whatever, whatever!" Heeseung raises his hands high in the air as he stands up from the bed. "I'll be in the other room. Mom asked to call her once we arrived."

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