\\ Chapter 1: Regrets Of The Past //

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Time had passed after that day, a very long time...
(Y/N) could not bear the thought to go on a ship or sail anymore, she simply couldn't, not in the same waters he died in. She hated those waters with all her heart, she despised it all, even the depths she had never once seen. Pyke died there, she didn't save him, he just sunk into that disgusting sea, and all of it was because she wasn't strong enough to help him...she was afraid to help him. Pyke had always been there for her, always, never once would he think of forsaking her or the crew...and yet fate decided cruelty to be the best option.
She despised all her crewmates ever since then, they were strong enough, they could have helped him, but...they didn't. If they hadn't left him for dead maybe he would've been here, maybe he wouldn't have died there, and in such a tragic way too. Every single pitiful day of her life she hoped for him to somehow be alive, for him to have survived and returned here. (Y/N) wanted to see him again, to gaze at his face again, to hug him again...why was it so impossible?
Those people, her so-called "crew", why should they deserve to live but not Pyke? Why do they get to keep their life but not him?! She wanted him to live, HIM!

She brought a hand down on the table she worked at, her eyes were filled with tears. She felt that guilt tug at her heart...
(Y/N) never wanted to leave him! She never wanted to let him die! She wanted him here, with her! WAS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden slam. The noise was loud, perhaps too loud. She knew that sound well, it was the sound of the small wooden door of her shop.
But even then it made her sink into her chair in almost pure dread. It was dark outside, it was not perhaps the most welcoming atmosphere there could be, so maybe her fear would be justified. As much as she tried to perhaps calm herself down, she couldn't help but feel something a lot more than just worry or anxiety. (Y/N) felt afraid of something but...she didn't know what.
Tears were staining her face, her eyes were almost blood-red from crying all night, she looked miserable.
Once she finally looked at the doorway she was shocked to see that...there was no one there. (Y/N) quickly wiped at her face before she got up to close it. The woman pressed a hand at her chest as she whispered to herself that it was just the wind. It was something she fed her consciousness to try and maybe sleep in peace. She knew she would be able to believe such a theory, after all, she was working right next to the shore, and there always was a lot of noise there.
It was always cold at night, dark, and even lonely sometimes, she couldn't lie, it was always scary.
It's the sea that she would always blame for all the weird noises and all the creaking and slamming throughout the night, it was, after all, the only plausible explanation.

Once she went to touch the doorknob she felt how cold it was, it was almost painful to the touch.
This whole place was always so disgustingly cold. Every night she had to sit in this stupid shop and shiver next to all these horrible dead fish. (Y/N) hated all of it, especially those fish. Their eyes were always so big and scary to her, it was not only the knowledge they were dead that made her afraid. Their eyes were empty, even when they were alive she hated them, all of them, they reeked of death.
Such a predicament she put herself in, and yet she did not regret it, there was no way she could return to her previous ship, or any ship for that matter. It was her only option to work as a shopkeeper. She sold fish, what else was she supposed to sell? It's Bilgewater, you gotta work with what you got. It especially got worse when her father ended up succumbing to his illness and sadly, eventually passing away. Such a thing proved to worsen her current condition.

In a year she managed to lose both of them, Pyke and her father. If she was feeling lonely before...now she felt utterly desolate.


(Y/N) flinched at the sudden noise, those happened often and yet she couldn't ignore that this one seemed a lot more precise, a lot more clear. She always felt scared at night, the woman felt so alone and afraid beneath that sky. Was it perhaps because it was so dark? Maybe it was the ruthless sea she always gazed at? How could she know? There was no way. While she could go back to her old house, she didn't want to be in the same walls that her father died in, she couldn't bear that. And even if she did, would anything change? She would still be alone, at least here there were these horrible fish to keep her company...somehow.
In an act of fear perhaps, she went to reach for her diary. Someone could say that it was stupid to write down your secrets or thoughts, but...how else was she supposed to calm herself down? It was a release, it felt like she was talking to someone, even if there was no one there. But as she went to open it she heard something else, footsteps...

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