\\Chapter 3: Grevious wounds//

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Darkness engulfed her eyes, blackening all there was around. It was a scary place, the dark. It was a terrible feeling to be surrounded by it, alone. Loneliness always stung, especially in the dark, where you can't speak or scream. And yet soon she slowly began to recognize the moody blue and gray tones of the pavement underneath the moonlight. Her head felt heavy, more than it normally did. All those previous headaches could not compare to what she was feeling right now. It felt painful to move, heavy, it was almost like trying to move underwater, only a lot more painful.
Pulsating began to appear as she slowly began to recall what had happened.
Tears began to appear in her eyes as her breathing became unsteady and shaky. (Y/N) began to pray it was only a dream and yet...she could feel her bruises, her wounds. She could still feel his hand against her throat...

And yet as she began to see all there was around her, her heart sunk even more. It was still dark, cold, and grim. Even the cobbled path was still wet from the rain. She then gazed up at the sky. Rain. It was still raining. (Y/N) then truly felt just how incredibly soaked all her clothes were, how much they stuck to her skin. A sudden pain reminded her of her previous endeavor, much to her dismay. Every single drop that fell on her stung when they came in contact with the giant wound on her back. It was simply gruesome to look at it, all bloody and torn. Pyke had pulled her incredibly harshly, and he certainly made sure to worsen it by pulling it out.

The poor woman tried to get up, but it only ended in her collapsing back down on the cold ground, harshly. Sobs began to emerge from her trembling form.
That damn sea took him, it took him from her and turned him against her! (Y/N) loved him more than anyone in her life, he helped her, cared for her, and yet now she had nothing! Bloody nothing!

A sudden sound of footsteps made her seize her sobs, to force them back where they came from. It hurt, it was hard, almost like she couldn't breathe.
Those footsteps were coming towards her.
Her heart began to pound in fear, afraid it was him again. She was fearing that he had come back to finish her, that tormenting her wasn't enough. Her blood made it to his hands, couldn't that be enough? Couldn't he be satisfied with just her pain? She wanted to live, to see tomorrow, even if it was miserable, even if her life was miserable, she still wanted it. (Y/N) didn't want to see those eyes again...

"You alright there?"

Her eyes shot open. It was not Pyke. This voice was a feminine one, nothing like his, rough and deep, almost like his voice itself was underwater. Her heart relaxed at the thought that this voice could be the help that she begged for before she lost consciousness. This woman must help her, she must!

"W-well, not by the looks of it..."

(Y/N) now felt just how dry and raspy her voice came out, it hurts to even speak. She felt pitiful, weak...

"Yeah, I guessed so."

She felt the woman get closer to her, she smelled rather nice, not only of the sea but something else, something rather sweet. (Y/N) then finally looked up at the woman, and was shocked at how beautiful she was, almost like an angel.

"So, you need a little help with that?"

(Y/N) went to nod her head but stopped herself. She then suddenly pulled back a bit, almost as if rethinking her offer.

"Wait...Why are you helping me? No one here helps anyone unless there is something in return."

The woman smiled a bit. (Y/N) couldn't help but admire her red hair, it was so captivating to her, and it swayed with such grace. How could such a beautiful woman be in such a dump as Bilgewater? It truly felt like a hallucination. But she quickly broke from her trance as the woman spoke again.

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