\\Chapter 9: Cold blood//

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A fortress towered above them, wicked as the demon who had taken it for himself. Thresh...his name was familiar to them all. A monster who was trying to bring back a twisted, mad king from the world beyond. To bring the undoing of the world they all knew. To cover the world in that cursed mist that seemed so terrifying to (Y/N).
As they stood in front of death's door, her heart couldn't help but quiver and her shoulders stiffened. She didn't want to be afraid of this place, of whoever this Thresh was, or whoever that stupid king was! But as her hands fidgeted with her clothes, she realized that was out of her control.

Everybody eventually entered through the giant doors, faces fearless and prepared...
As they walked around different rooms and gigantic halls, their eyes always wandered around, as if searching for every detail of this eerie place. It was grand with its gold and green designs, sometimes with white marble covering the length of the tall halls. Even so, it was impossible to not see the dimmed colors of the tiles or the moss and dirt covering some of the corners. All the cracks in the walls were giving it a torn and exhausted look, almost as if the very place was a the brink of death.

(Y/N) was able to walk now, exhaustion still clung to her desperately but it was manageable, sort of. Pyke still cast side glances at her, almost as if checking if she was following him or if she had fainted again. One time she even caught him looking at her, but he said nothing about it, just gave her a cold glare.
It was... frustrating this man. Did he hate her? Did he like her? What's his deal? Why is helping (Y/N) all of the sudden?
Either way, part of her hoped that maybe he could see past the water and just realize that they didn't have to stand atop these confinements they were forced on, to stand on the opposite sides in this cruel and vile game of chess that life appeared to be.

It's what she chose to believe in.

As everyone continued walking across the halls, a golden set of stairs greeted them, almost welcoming them to reach for what was at the bottom. And what was it? It was, of course, not surprising that it was another big room. And yet this one looked...strange, not in a necessarily bad way, of course not. It was just strange as it left a mystery in the air, lingering. The place was filled with all kinds of strange antics and old books, all written in a language foreign to (Y/N).

Suddenly Ahri stepped forward almost in excitement. The vastaya was always a curious topic of discussion for (Y/N), feeling as if something like this was almost impossible to be real, a real vastaya...right in front of her. Perhaps this strange curiosity was all purely due to the fact she had never seen one, or maybe because of the sheer beauty the woman possessed. Still, It was a mystery what a creature like her was doing helping them in the first place, but it was a welcome predicament. Her face most of it all seemed to twist into an amused and fascinated expression, joy laying at the bottom. She seemed to have found a fragment of what she was looking for. Everything that (Y/N) had managed to piece together through drifting conversations was that she was looking for something to do with her ancestors. To search for those strange vastayan talismans? Was that just it? Maybe she wanted to find their lost history? It was all so interesting...

"Wait. These markings are the same ones I saw at the Blessed Vault..."

"Your people made them?" - asked the silent Ionian to (Y/N's) far right. He always seemed to fancy Ahri amongst all of them. Perhaps it was their history beforehand but it was still almost like a shock to hear this man speak at all, even if it was towards the vastaya.

"Yes...The Vesani, my ancestors. These artifacts belong to them."

(Y/N) then finally decided to speak and ask a question that had been running laps through her mind ever since her eyes laid on the woman.

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