\\Chapter 2: Bitter hatred//

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Running as fast as her legs could take her, (Y/N) felt pain sting her heart yet again. It was that same pain she felt back then, back when those eyes met hers, that dreadful feeling of guilt.
What he said to her back then...

"You were there!"

"You left me to drown!"

Tears began to drip down her face. He was right...
All she did back then was leave him, she was always too weak. Even back then, when the most important person in her life was dying, she was too afraid to help him...
She felt his hatred somehow. Maybe in his voice? His gaze? She didn't know and yet she was sure that it was resentment he held for her. It felt like she could see it in those eyes...they were different.

Her feet stumbled further, now even faster than before. Fear is what took hold of her at that moment. The poor woman didn't know where to go or what to do except for the only remaining option there was. The only spot she could go to now...

Her father's old house.

The only spot she had left now that she knew her shop was to burn down. Maybe faith could spare her and save it by some miracle, but (Y/N) hardly believed in miracles anymore. Not after she lost her father and...Pyke.
She couldn't call his return a "miracle " per se, maybe a nightmare perhaps? After all, being hunted down by the one you loved most, the one you cherished, maybe a "misery" was more fitting.

Tears were falling down her face, blurring her vision. She suddenly felt the little droplets fall upon her skin, it was raining. Perhaps a small part of her shop could survive after all. It made her heart slow down for a second, a short-lived one.

Her heart immediately began racing as a sudden pain struck her shoulder. (Y/N) screamed as she felt her balance tip, falling back as a sudden force pulled her. The impact hurt her even more, it felt like she was burning up.
Quiet whimpers could be heard around her, helpless, she was absolutely petrified.
Wet footsteps made her eyes snap open. She looked up, gazing at those cold blue ones again.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He bends down to her level, roughly plucking the harpoon from her back.
A scream escaped her. How could it not? The pain was insufferable, it felt like if she dared to move even a little, she could break. (Y/N) knew it probably won't happen but...Why must it hurt so much?!
As tears and sobs kept coming out, the miserable woman began to mumble under her breath, prayers, apologies, anything. It all sounded like irrational nonsense.

A bitter expression was placed on Pyke's face. Was it of annoyance or disappointment? He wasn't sure.
A sudden sharp feeling held (Y/N) in place, it was the poking of the harpoons blade against her cheek.

"Speak up..."

(Y/N) went silent for a second, it was from fear, she felt it suffocating her. She tried to say something, to speak up, scream, shout, anything! And yet everything just felt impossible.
The only thing she could get out was a silent and wavering whimper, even so, her eyes looked up to his own. Was it to see that man again?


Pyke's eyes narrowed in frustration, it turned into a look of bitter hatred.

"You watched me drown...all of you did. No one did anything. "

(Y/N) was silent, it was impossible to say anything, almost like a lump in her throat kept it all in, impossible to get out.

"Do you know what it's like? To squirm until you can no more?
To feel how the water fills your lungs, and all you can do is watch the light above mocking you?"

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