only one bed who??????

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Ricotta and I had just finished washing up after an experiment when he turned to me and said, "Espresso, I have a big favor to ask."

"Okay...?" I asked tentatively.

"Remember when the Ancients told us we needed to get the support of the Super Epics and Frost Queen?"

I nodded, and he responded with "Could... Could you and Madeleine please go recruit Clotted Cream and Oyster Cookie and I'll take the others? I really don't want to talk to him."

"Of course, sir." I replied, though I was a bit puzzled by his reasoning. "Divide and conquer, correct?"

He waved me off, agreeing. "You don't need to call me sir, Espresso. Just 'Ricotta' is fine. But could you work with staying there for three nights and leaving on the fourth day?"

"Yes, I can do that."

He sighed with relief. "Great, thanks! That makes the time I can spend at Frost Queen's greater since I won't have to go to Clotted Cream's."

"It will be no inconvenience, I assure you" I paused as a question came to my mind. "When am I departing?"

"Anytime this week is good, but the sooner the better!"

"Is today agreeable? I have nothing else to do, and I'll ask Madeleine if he's okay with it."

"That works. Thanks for being so on top of this, Espresso!"

I smiled. "No problem."

We finished up the experiment and I headed downstairs to ask Madeleine if he was fine with leaving today.

I knocked on his door thrice. Deja vu, haha. Last time I was here, I was asking Madeliene to dinner, I thought wryly. 

He answered the door looking at least slightly polished this time. "Hey, 'Spresso. What's up?"

I fidgeted with my cloak. "Ricotta wants us to go on a diplomatic trip to convince Clotted Cream and Oyster Cookie to ally with us. I know it's peacetime, but we still should assure that the president is with us. If you agreed, we'd be leaving just after lunch."

He grinned wildly. "A real adventure? Even if it's just a diplomatic one, of course I'm coming!"

I nodded. "You'll need to be packed for a four-day trip, as we're staying there tonight, the next two nights, and leaving the next day."

He grinned again and disappeared back into his room. I sighed and walked back to mine to do the same thing he was doing. Pack my suitcase.

After lunch, we reconvened in the entry hall, him lugging two suitcases and me rolling one along behind me.

I looked at him quizzically. "How do you have two suitcases for a four-day trip?"

He smiled. "Well, there's my sword-polishing kit, my shield-polishing kit, a set of armor, my one and only nice set of clothes, actual casual clothes-"

I put a hand to his mouth. "Stop, Madeleine. Before I reduce your two suitcases to a pile of coffee grounds."

I meant it to be serious, but a small, playful grin danced across my lips. Madeleine noticed and overexaggeratedly said, "Why of course, my king!"

At this, I full-on laughed. I stopped laughing to say, "Come, Madeleine, we have to get going or the train will leave without us."

We rushed out the door, suitcases in hand, and just barely made the train.

As we stepped off the train in the Republic, my breath caught in my throat at the sheer amount of people in the station. Just like at the plaza, I was frozen at the doors. Madeleine, once again seeing my distress, once again grabbed my arm and pulled me into the crowd. How he somehow managed to hold on to two suitcases with his right hand, hold on to me with his left, and navigate the station at the same time was honestly amazing.

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