Espresso and Madeleine have a ball

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When we got back to our room that night, I found an envelope taped to the door. "Must be the invitation to the 'ball' Clotted Cream's hosting," I muttered, reluctantly disentangling my hand from Madeleine's to open it. Which was rather difficult, since I had to work around the teddy bear we had won.

"You are cordially invited to a ball Wednesday, February 10th hosted by your president Clotted Cream. Lasts from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM and security will be provided by Financier." I read.

"Huh," I added. "There's no RSVP. How would they have a head count?"

Madeleine smiled. "Well, two reasons. One, Oyster Cookie will be there and everyone's looking to get richer by striking a deal with her. Two, who would refuse an invitation from the president himself? So Clotted Cream is pretty sure all but a few will attend, and two or three portions of food wasted isn't going to make or break his bank account, Witches know."

I blinked at him. "Politics is confusing. If everyone joined me in experimenting, society would be so much better."

That made him laugh. "I wish. But that'd be a state of nature, or existence with no rules. And before you ask how I know all this, I had to take politics classes since my family was- is of the most influential in the Republic."

I noticed his slip there, but didn't feel awake enough to press it. "But what if we all agreed on a set of rules to follow- Oh forget it," I said, sighing. "Can we go inside? I need to set this bear down now."

Madeleine stepped in front of me and opened the door, bowing. I walked inside and set the teddy bear and invitation on the counter.

He yawned, saying, "We should probably go to bed now. It's late."

We spent the rest of the night in comfortable silence except for a few things, and I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

When I woke up in the morning, I noticed Madeleine wasn't next to me. I got up and wandered over to the kitchen to look for him. I found a note on the counter.

Went out costume shopping! I'll probably be gone the whole day. Also, you woke up after 9:00 and I woke up at 7:00, so we've got that going for us. I'll meet you at the ball, in front of it. See you there!


I blinked. Getting sleep is weird. After that, I spent the next hour alternately getting ready for the day and shaking my head at Madeleine.

Around noon, I was sitting on the couch when I got a call from Latte. "Hey, sis!"

She squinted at me. "Espresso's never that chipper. WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BROTHER?"

I laughed. "Latte, it really is me. I guess two months or so living here has helped me."

"Oh yeah! That reminds me. How's unemployment going?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

I cocked my head. "What?"

Now she was the one laughing. "Y'know, you 'disappointed a stern man with a frown glued to his face' 57 ways and got fired?"

I rolled my eyes. "You were right. The High Sorcerer was a 20-year-old guy who's actually really nice!"

Latte grinned. "Oh, that's really cool!" A pause. "Please don't start dat-"

"NOPE, WE ARE NOT GOING THERE!" I yelled, interrupting her. "And I'm not even into him in that way!"

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