Pure Vanilla is Jesus (real)

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I fired a blast a the training dummy, watching it shatter on the invulnerability enchantment. Dux was nearby, barking and attacking a nearby one which was similarly enchanted. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Ricotta approaching.

"Espresso?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. "How long have you been out here?"

I shrugged. "I got out here at 3:00, I think."

He looked at me, aghast. "It's 6:00! You've been out here for three hours!"

I fired another spell at the dummy.  "That's nice. Can you go away, please? I'm trying to practice here." 

He shifted, seemingly worried. "But you're overworking yourself! And-"

"I don't care." I interrupted her. "Please see my previous comment."

Knowing him, I assume he gave me a look before walking away.

Spell after spell after spell. It was all worth it to be able to prove my worth. I had figured out how to enchant myself coffee, so I no longer needed sleep.

Eventually, Madeleine came out, and Dux ran up to him, barking. He greeted the dog, then walked up to me.

 "Espresso, are you okay?" I tilted my head, briefly pausing my relentless spellcasting to look at him. "You haven't been sleeping with me anymore-" He stopped abruptly, turning a bright red. "That is not what it sounds like! I promise!"

My boyfriend's silliness startled a laugh out of me, which made said boyfriend grin. "But seriously, 'Spress. Are you alright?"

His plainly obvious desire to help almost made me start talking, but then I hardened myself and sighed, settling on somewhere in the middle. "No," I said turning away. "but there's not really anything you can do to help."

He walked around me, leaning an arm on the dummy so I was forced to quickly halt my spell for fear that it would hit him. "I also came to tell you that it's dinnertime, so you have to come in or Hollyberry will kick your ass." Another laugh. This man...

I threw my hands up. "Fine." He nodded and headed back toward the house, and I quickly caught up to him. Once in the dining room, we took our seats at the dinner table, Ricotta on my right and Madeleine on my left. Dux curled up under the table - he seemed to like being the center of attention.

I tried to strike up a conversation with Ricotta, but he was deep in discussion with Pure Vanilla about advanced magic. I tried Madeleine, but he was talking to Cacao about swordplay.

So I ate my dinner in silence, like any normal social person(which I was not).

After dinner, I was eager to get away from the people and go back to spellcasting. But Ricotta stopped me with a "-and Espresso are on dishwashing tonight!"

I sighed, turning back and trudging into the kitchen. Dux seemed not to notice, chasing after Madeleine with a bark. I crossed my fingers that my dishwashing partner would not be Cacao, because he was... strict, I suppose is the best way to put it?

I exhaled a sigh of relief at the sigh of Pure Vanilla standing in the kitchen waiting for me, then a pang of guilt as I realized I had left him waiting, for however short that was.

I headed to the sink, and asked tentatively, "I can wash and you can dry? If that's okay with you." I quickly added, afraid to offend this pillar of ancient magic.

He nodded, and I started washing while he waited to dry. We worked in a steady rhythm, until he said, "You seem tightly wound."

"What makes you think that?" I asked, aggressively scrubbing a bit of sauce off a plate.

He smiled paternally. "One would think it rather obvious. Now what is the reason for this... episode of yours?" he commented as I passed him the dish.

"What do you mean? I need to be useful, why else would I be here?" I asked, venting my frustration about this conversation on yet another unassuming piece of food.

Another smile. "There is another. I've seen your... belief, so to say, that you are in Ricotta's debt and must prove yourself to him."

I began to protest as I rinsed gravy off a prep dish, but something made my protests die on my lips. Witches, this man is good! "I suppose." I mused.

As we finished the dishes, he patted me on the back. "Go apologize. He's wound tightly too."

Rather than wonder how he knew I'd blown Ricotta off, I decided to follow his advice. 

I knocked on his door, and he let me in, all smiles. "Ricotta?" I asked tentatively.

"Yeah?" He tilted his head. "You okay?"

"I just wanted to apologize for blowing you off earlier," I mumbled.

He furrowed his brow, then said, "Oh that? Yeah, no problem! I get that you're stressed, I am too."

I smiled. "Thanks. I should go now. Sorry again!"

"Again, no problem. See you in the morning!" He smiled warmly before I pulled the door shut behind me.

I couldn't help but smile as I walked away. I was looking forward to the morning, for the first time in a few weeks.

words cannot express how sorry I am for the 2-month gap! was about to start writing and got grounded. love you all, hope you enjoy! 

finished changing jules to ricotta btw

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