A love Triangle

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The expedition party come back successfully. It took them 2 months to come back to the surface. Everyone was safe.

Freya was happy to have her children back.

The same goes for Lefiya and Aiz when they reach the Loki Familia. They have many stories to share with their companions.

Hestia and others welcomed Bell and Ryu home. Bell have the horn of Asterius with him. Hestia and others were happy that Bell won the battle.

Bell then introduced Rocky to his family. Hestia and others have some fun with him.

Aiz and Bell got Leveled up to level 7.

Riveria met Aiz in her room.

Riveria " You seem really different today, Aiz. Did something happen?"

Aiz with a brightness in her face" It is nothing."

Riveria had never seem Aiz so bright in her life. So she wanted to know the reason behind it. She searched for the possible reasons. Ever since she came after the expedition she has been like this. Suddenly one thought strike her head. A small smirk appeared in her face.

Riveria smirking " By any chance is it because you been thinking about Bell Cranel ?"

Aiz was caught off guard. A small blush appeared on her cheeks. Aiz showing her back to Riveria " I have no idea about what you are talking about."

Riveria " It's written all over your face, that you have a crush towards him."

Aiz " No, you get it all wrong. It's just a misunderstanding."

Riveria " No use in dodging Aiz, I have been with you since you were a kid. I can tell even a small change in you."

Aiz was thinking of a way to get herself out of there. Aiz " Sorry Riveria I had to meet up with Lefiya. I had promised to train her. So I have to go , so please excuse me."

Riveria " Just a remainder for a you, If you don't make your move soon, others will seize that position from you. And that include Lefiya and Tiona. "

Aiz was frozen for a moment. She just stared at Riveria with disbelief. Her imagination was going wild.

Aiz nervous " I guess I must take rest for today then."

Riveria laughing" So you finally admitted it, huh "

Aiz blushing with a red face " Stop making fun of me. It's not funny."

Riveria trying to control her laughter" Alright alright, let's get to the point. Just tell me Aiz, how do you fell about him?"

Aiz " I don't want to tell you ?"

Riveria " Then just sit and watch your man been taken away by your on friends. I am going. "

Aiz grabbed her hand." Stop stop stop, I will explain, I will explain."

Riveria waiting to her to explain.

Aiz " I- I just admire his will to be a hero. I like his kind behavior. He is just a good looking rabbit you know. I mean he is handsome, well mannered, reliable and all. I just feels good to be around him. I really like this guy. I mean ,yeah I love him. I just want to keep him to myself from now on. Yeah that's right I want to make him mine."

Riveria was stunned. She never heard Aiz speak this long and clear.

Riveria shocked " Girl, how did you get so Bold?"

After that Riveria taught her how to move forward with her relationship. She suggested her to ask him out for a date.

The Gods decided to have the name giving ceremony. Bell got his third title " PRINCE OF ORARIO" . He was named after by Goddess Freya herself. Hestia accepted the name for Bell. Many got developed respect for Hestia. Hestia now have a very good position among the Gods.

Bell was walking back home after explaining the dungeon floors to Eina for an entire day. Eina was screaming because of her work load he creates for her.

It was a beautiful evening. Riveria and Aiz was waiting for Bell by the road. Aiz was very nervous.

Riveria " It's going to be okay. Just remember what I taught you."

Aiz nervous " Okay "

Riveria " Don't get me wrong Aiz. But you must prepare for a " NO" as well. I mean he has every right to reject you as well. I am pretty sure you know the reason. I am just saying that you should put your guard up. "

Aiz more nervous. " You are right, he has every right to reject me. But I still wanted to ask."

Bell reached near the fountain. The sunset was clear and beautiful. Bell decided to stand there and watch that beauty.

Aiz came from behind Bell.

Aiz " It is beautiful isn't it.?"

Bell was surprised to see Aiz. Bell with a calm smile " Yes it is"

Bell asked " It's rare to see you here. Aiz san. Did something happen."

Aiz " Just walking around"

Aiz wanted to ask him about his feelings, but for some reason she couldn't.

Aiz " About that promise of yours. How much are you sure about it?"

Bell" may be not today. I had still have more to learn. So will continue doing my best."

Aiz" sounds lik you, Bell

After that Aiz left to her home alongwith Riveria. Bell was in a state of confusion. He now had two women loving him from their bottom of their heart.?

( Flashback :- s was before Bell and Ryu went for the expedition. Hestia, Lili and Haruhime talked with Ryu about how she feels about Bell. Ryu couldn't lie to her Goddess.  Hestia and others decided to give up on Bell as they thought Ryu will be a good match for Bell to share his future with. They are plan planing on making them close enough to fall in love.

That night Bell talk about this to Hestia. Hestia  asked him how he' feeling about Aiz and Ryu. He replied that he is too early for love.

Then Hermis and Asfi came to visit Bell. They gave Bell a grimour. He said that it was a gift from Freya for helping her familia in the expedition. Bell thanked Hermis for delevering it to him.

That night Bell went to Bed early. But he couldn't sleep at all. So he decided to read the grimour. Bell read the grimour. After that he went to sleep. It was a short chanting ice magic this time.

Freya was thinking about another way to get close to Bell. Suddenly a thought strike her mind. She wondered what if Bell was a girl. She thought it would be easy for her to be close to him if Bell becomes a girl as it is always common for girls to get alone. She then searched for a cursed grimour. She could provide him with power and also have her dream to be with him would come true as well.

The grimour has a curse that whoever reads this grimour will turn into opposite gender for the rest of their life and they could only turn back only when during a certain situation in their life.

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