The News

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Just as we had calmed down, Mother arrived from outside, drenched from the rain and her hair was in a frenzy. Dropping down onto the sofa, she winced and Sarah rushed to the kitchen to conjure a delicious soup to heal Mother's pain. Fiona sat by Mother, consoling her broken heart and reminding her that we were all here for her. There was a long silence. 

Emerald awkwardly stood up and turned on the radio and everyone listened to the crackling voice of our prime minister: Winston Churchill. With a loud and confident voice he said: 

"Although this news might shatter the hearts of many, I have to inform the whole of Britain of my deepest regrets as I announce that all children within the age of 3-18 should be evacuated out of the country to the countryside. When they will be back, I shall not know but I guarantee that they will be safer outside this war."

Immediately, Sarah stood up and exclaimed: " Mother that is a perfect idea! We should all move to the countryside and live our lives to the fullest without interruptions from this cruel war. And when Father comes back, we will all move back into this house and reunite with Father in the most happiest way possible."

However, Mother shook her head and tears flooded down her face. I looked at Fiona, confused on what Mother was upset about. Mother's small voice croaked, " listen to what he'll say next."
Everyone's ears turned back to the radio as he added, " Only children under the age of 3 should be accompanied by their mother but the rest will have to courageously fend for themselves."

My heart was swallowed up by the floor. "Mother! Mother! We can't leave you. NO! We can't leave you!" But Mother shook her head and whispered, " Darlings start packing up. We need to get you out of the country." 

"Mother no!" Fiona exclaimed. " Please Ma don't leave us!" Emerald shouted. Sarah stared thoughtfully at Mother before saying, her voice filled with sadness," Mother I promise to look after all of them, and we will all return home safely after the war is over." 

And that was the end of discussion. 

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