Part 2

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Year after year passed, but Mrs. Jeon never contacted Mrs. Kim was as promised. Mrs. Kim also didn't care about her explanation, because it wasn't her right, only Jungkook needed to hear that explanation. But 10 years passed, Jungkook never asked his mother again. He looks happy in that family. Even though Mrs. Kim is just a waitress in a restaurant, but she never feels burdened by Jungkook's presence among them. Instead, she's happy because Jin has friends and won't be alone when she goes to work.

At that time Jungkook was 10 years old and Jin was 15 years old, their schools were close together. The two of them always go and come home together. Mrs. Kim always made time to get up early, she brought her two sons lunch.

Mrs. Kim went by bus to work, while Jin and Jungkook walked, their school is not far from home. It's only been 10 minutes, but time flies when they're together. Jungkook always holds his hyung's hand while singing. He waved his hand and occasionally glanced at his hyung to make sure his hyung was also singing along with him.

When they arrived at Jungkook's school gate, they would hug and Jin always kissed his brother's forehead.

"Don't go home alone, wait for me at the usual place, understand?" Jungkook nodded.


"Fighting, i love you hyung.."

"I love you Jungkook-ah" Jin waved his hand and left when he saw Jungkook walking towards his school building. It's something they always do.

The two of them are really close, even Jungkook can't sleep if he doesn't hug his hyung. He once cried all night because he couldn't sleep with Jin, when Jin caught the flu and he had to sleep separately from Jin so he wouldn't catch it. finally Mrs. Kim let him sleep together and Jungkook stopped crying. Jungkook is really spoiled with Jin. He always does what his hyung do. He wears what his hyung wear. He is totally obsessed with his hyung.

That afternoon after school, Jin stopped at the convenience store, to buy Jungkook's favorite milk, he really likes banana milk. He had banana milk in his hand, walked to Jungkook's school with a smile on his face. He had seen his brother sitting in front of his school, alone. And when Jungkook turned to look at Jin, a smile appeared on his face, showing his adorable bunny smile. He ran to his hyung and hugged Jin.


"Did you wait long?" Jungkook shook his head.

"What's that hyung?"

"This is your favorite banana milk, hyung bought it before coming here" Jin gave the banana milk to Jungkook.

"Thank youuu hyung, let's go home, I'm hungry"

"Aishhh, it's still 3pm, has your lunch just finished in your stomach?"

"But mom said I was small, and small children have to eat a lot to grow well"

"That's just your excuse, I know you like Eomma's cooking, let's go home" Jin took Jungkook's hand and they went home.

When they reached his house, Jungkook's footsteps stopped. He saw a woman standing in front of his house. The woman he knows.

"Jungkook-ah, what's wrong?"

"Hyung..that..that's my mother" Jin looked at his house and looked back at Jungkook. The woman kept knocking on Jin's door, of course no one opened it, Mrs. Kim hasn't come home from work yet.

They both approached the woman and how shocked the woman was when she saw Jungkook.


"Jungkook.." His mother immediately hugged Jungkook tightly.

"Jungkook, I'm back, I already have a big house with everything you need in it, I won't give you any more trouble, I miss you, let's go" When his mother took Jungkook's hand, Jungkook pulled Jin's hand.

"No eomma.. I won't go without Jin hyung"

"What do you mean? You are my son, you have to come with me and he can't come with us".

"Then I won't go"

"Mrs. Jeon, shouldn't we wait for my mother before you take him away" Jin said.

"I don't have to wait for anyone to take my son away from here, he is my responsibility, I will take him now, come on Jungkook, come with eomma"

"No! I don't want to go with you, I want to be here with eomma Kim and Jin hyung, hyung I don't want to go" Jin held Jungkook but his mother pulled harder and broke their grip.

"Mrs. Jeon you hurt his hand, let him go, don't take him away!!" Jin said he saw Jungkook crying when his mother pulled him into the car.

Jin chases the car but it drives away quickly. He only saw Jungkook struggling in the car and crying looking at him while continuing to scream.

"Jungkook!!!! No!! Give back my brother!!" Jin kept running until he fell and was left behind.



2 months passed

"Eomma, Tomorrow is Jungkook's birthday, is he okay with his mother?" Jin said, he stood in front of the window, looking out, where it was raining outside. He missed Jungkook. The house feels empty when Jungkook isn't around, especially his room. No one hugged him anymore every night and he lost him.

"This is your favorite hot chocolate, drink it first" His mother approached Jin, gave him a glass of hot chocolate and invited him to sit on the couch.

"Eomma sure he's fine, he's a strong child, after all he went with his mother, I also feel lost like you, after all I'm the one who takes care of him. I also miss his whining every time he asked me to defend him when he fighting with you, how adorable that child"

"Eomma.. I want him to come back here"

"But we don't have the right for that Jin, even though I really want him to come back here too"

Not only the two of them, but Jungkook also felt the same way, he was indeed in a big house, he had a big room with a big bed just for himself. He has his own wardrobe. His mother was rarely at home, he was only taken care of by the maids there. In fact, he had to study from home. It's boring.

He was also standing at the window of his room, looking out the window, looking at the rain falling while crying.

"Eomma, hyung.. tomorrow it's my birthday, I want my hot chocolate for my birthday present. I miss you, Eomma, I miss you, hyung, I can't sleep because I keep thinking about you, I can't sleep because this bed isn't as comfortable as in your room, hyung. This place isn't comfortable, the food here isn't as good as what eomma made, I want to go home" Jungkook muttered.

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