Part 9

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Jin returned to his apartment, he entered his room and saw Soobin sitting on their bed, looking at Jin with tears in his eyes.

"Where have you been? It's already 2am, you don't pick up my phone, I'm worried about you Jin" Soobin stood up and approached Jin, stood in front of him and saw Jin who was very messy, he smelled of alcohol, Jin is not someone who likes to get drunk.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing" Jin wanted to go to the bathroom but Soobin held him back.

"What happened to you? Is it because of Jungkook? What did he do to you?"

"No, it's not because of him, but because of me"

"What..what did you say Jin?"

"Soobin.. me and Jungkook kissed.." Soobin widened his eyes. He loved Jin with all his heart and knowing the man he loved kissing another man was very painful.


"I expressed my feelings to him, and so did he, we love each other, a love that is more than just a brother. He asked me not to marry you, but... I can't"


"I have to repay your kindness to me all this time Soobin" Jin cried in front of Soobin, the sudden words made Soobin's chest feel tight.

"You married me not because you wanted it? But because you wanted to repay my kindness? But you said you love me Jin"

"I'm tired, I want to take a shower" Jin went to the bathroom, locked the door and turned on the shower, he sat under the pouring water and crying. He was stuck in a very difficult situation. He didn't know that Jungkook had the same feelings as him. He thought being a good hyung for Jungkook was the best way to stay close to him.

After taking a shower, Jin came out and Soobin immediately hugged him. Jin didn't return the hug at that time because he didn't know what to do now.

"I know you've loved him Jin, you don't have to pay me anything" Soobin let go of his hug and looked at Jin.

"I just want to know something, have you loved me all this time?"


"Tell me honestly"

"I love you, that's true" Soobin smiled and kissed Jin's cheek.

"But you love him more right?" Jin nodded and had tears running down his cheeks.



"It must be hard to hide your feelings all this time, right? It must be hard to pretend to keep my feelings. Am I selfish if I still want you in my life?"

"No Soobin, I will still marry you, Jungkook said his mother wanted him to marry Taehyung. I disappointed him, all this time I wasn't honest with myself, I didn't try harder to find him"

"That's because you're busy taking care of your mother Jin, it's not your fault. I don't want to marry you, I want you to be happy and stop lying to yourself."

"Soobin, I promised to make you happy"

"Then don't marry me, if you want me to be happy. Jin... thank you because you tried so hard to keep my feelings, you did well. The time we spent was very precious to me, we're friends right? You'll always be there for me right?" Jin couldn't hold back his tears and pulled Soobin into his arms.

"Why are you this good? Why Soobin?"

"That's because I love you Jin, I want you to be happy"



Jungkook went to Jin's mother's grave. He had come there alone, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He walked towards the grave and was surprised to see someone already there. The man was standing in front of the grave, wearing a black suit. The man was very handsome. Jungkook approached the man, making him turn to Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah, you're coming" Jungkook ignored him, he put the bouquet of flowers in front of the tombstone and stood beside the man.

"Even though I want to tell eomma a lot, but I will come here another time, I'm sorry" The man held Jungkook's hand.

"I've finished, so you can stay here, I'll be going" Jungkook looked at the man.


"You are so beautiful today" Jin said and left Jungkook alone in front of his mother's grave.

Jungkook watched Jin leave and he looked back at his mother's grave.

"Eomma.. did you miss me? I'm here now, why did you leave me? Why didn't you wait for me? Are you mad at me? What if I want hot chocolate like what eomma always makes for me? Why did eomma leave me? Eomma.. there are so many things that I want to tell you, but there's one thing I really want to tell you. Do you still remember, on my 10th birthday, when you asked me what I wanted? And did you remember my answer? I just want to be forever with you and Jin hyung, but eomma told me, you might not be able to be with me forever but you will ask Jin hyung to accompany me so I'm not alone. he wont leave me alone. But when my mom came and took me away by force, I started to fear that what you said would never come true and when I met hyung, I was right, what you said will never come true. He never accompanies me, he will soon marry someone else eomma. Then what about me? I love him" Jungkook bowed his head while crying.

He talked about many things to his mother. Until the sky started to get cloudy and the rain started to fall down on his body.

"Eomma, I'll be back here tomorrow.. I love you eomma" The rain was getting heavier and when Jungkook wanted to hurry away but his steps stopped because he saw Jin with an umbrella in his hand. They stood facing each other, quite a distance away.

Jin approached Jungkook who was still silent with his wet body and stood in front of Jungkook.


"Eomma said always bring an umbrella if the sky is cloudy"

"I thought you were gone"

"I did say I would go, but I did not say that I would leave you"


"During your 10th birthday, eomma came to my room, she told me your wish, she asked me to stay with you and never make you feel alone, at that time I promised I would accompany you so you wouldn't feel alone, but I haven't had time to keep my promise, we have to parted ways. Jungkook-ah.. hyung sorry"

"It's okay hyung" Jungkook lowered his head but Jin lifted his chin and looked at him.

"Have you finished talking to Eomma?" Jungkook shook his head.

"I still have a lot to say but I can come here tomorrow"

"I'll take you"

"I can do it myself hyung"



"I don't want to lose you anymore, haven't we been apart enough? I don't think I can stay away from you anymore" Jungkook just stared at Jin.

"Jungkook-ah.. hyung loves you"

"No, you're going to marry--"

"He has left me, he returned to his parents' house"

"W-what? But why?"

"I said everything and he doesn't want to marry me because I love you"

"You said it?"

"I'm so afraid you'll leave me again Jungkook-ah, I did promise to marry him and make him happy but how can I live if you're not around me, we've met, why should I choose someone else"

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Jungkook-ah.. I don't want to be your hyung anymore, I want to be someone more than that for you"


"Do you want to be with me?" Their eyes locked, of course Jungkook would. He kept that feeling to this day.

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