chapter 1

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ftr or rr ???

excuse any mistakes!

3months ago..

"Pleaseeee pick up" Ta'liyah said on the other end of the line.

"Wassam bestie" Trey said answering the phone.

"I need you to come get me now, I need to get away from them" She said crying into the phone.

"Calm down, tell me what's wrong." He said to her

"I - I- just need to leave" She said starting to hard down cry .

"I'm on my way okay stay on the line okay" He said back to her getting his keys starting to drive to Ta'liyah's location .

She was silent trying to go to her happy place until he arrived to come get her . She always have known she could count on Trey for everything literally. He was her bestfriend since they were kids they basically grew up together.

Her mind started to think about the good things in her life to block out the bad . How she was about to graduate soon and move out of her toxic home with her family. Her and Trey even talked about living together after graduation. She was so excited about that being part of her get away plan .

"Hello you still there" He said causing her to get out of her thoughts.

"Yes I'm here" She said back to her with tears falling down her face as she wiped them .

"I'm outside you want me to come in" He asked .

"No it's fine I will be out there in a second" She said putting her clothes in a bag .

"Ight don't hang up i wanna make sure you get out there safely" He said .

"Okay hold on" Ta'liyah said.

"Where the fuck you going" Her dad said yelling at her trying to snatch her bag out her hand .

"Away from y'all i'm tired of y'all treating me like shit" She said back to him trying to get her bag back .

"You ain't going anywhere you gone watch this baby like we told you to do" Her mom said .

"No i'm not take him to his mama he ain't my child" She said yelling back to them before turning her back .

As soon as she turned her back about to walk out with her things her mother turned her around and slapped her to the floor. Trey was hearing everything that was going and ran to the house beating on the door waiting for someone to let him in .

The 5 year old baby managed to open the door for Trey. He rushed over to Ta'liyah trying to break up her and her mother from fighting before her dad tried to interfere. Trey wasn't going to fight her parents just because he had so much respect for their daughter because they are friends but it was so unfair to him how they were treating her. He just wanted to be his best friends protecter.

He finally got her mother off of her and managed to help Ta'liyah get her things to the car.

"Are you okay?" He asked her looking over at her. She was just sitting there quietly looking out the window.

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