Meeting Tod

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"Copper I really don't think we should be wandering this far." Alexis says as she is following Copper in the woods.

"Oh come on Alexis. It'll be fine." Copper says as he looks at Alexis before sniffing the air.

"Yeah until Amos or Chief find out we're gone. Now what are you doing?" Alexis asks as she sees Copper sniffing the ground.

"I found a scent. I haven't smelled it before." Copper says as he begins to follow the scent.

"I'm sure it's nothing Copper." Alexis says as Copper continues following the scent causing Alexis to follow him as they later follow the scent into a hollow log.

"Whatcha smellin'?" A voice asks revealing to be a red creature looking into the log from on top of it.

"I'm on the trail of somethin'." Copper says as he continues sniffing.

"Trail of what?" The creature asks.

"He doesn't know yet." Alexis says as Copper goes over to the creature and sniffs him.

"Why it's you!" Copper says as he howls before the creature jumps to the ground.

"What do you do that for?" The creature asks

"We're supposed to do that when we find what we've been trackin'." Copper says.

"I'm a fox! My name's Tod. What's your name kid?" The creature asks.

"Mine's Copper! I'm a hound dog!" Copper says excitedly as he tackles Tod to the ground.

"I'm Alexis and I'm a wolf." Alexis says kindly.

"Gee. I bet you'd be good playing hide and seek. Wanna try it Copper?" Tod asks.

"Can I use my nose?" Copper asks.

"Ha ha! Sure! Okay. Now go ahead and close your eyes and count." Tod says as he looks around for a place to hide while Copper puts his head against the log and closes his eyes.

"1... 2... 3..." Copper says as Alexis notices him peeking.

"You aren't supposed to peek Copper." Alexis says.

"Oh." Copper says.

"Now start again." Tod says as he and Alexis quickly find a place to hide as the group begin playing.

"Copper! Alexis!" A voice shouts revealing to be Amos in the distance.

"We gotta go." Alexis says as she perks her ears to the sound.

"Bye Tod." Copper says as he and Alexis run over to Amos in the distance as he looks at them angrily.


"Copper! Alexis!" A voice shouts as Alexis and Copper come out of their barrel.

"It's Tod." Alexis says as she and Copper see Tod by the fence.

"Come on!" Tod shouts as Alexis and Copper then sneak around Chief before running off happily to go play with Tod.


"You two are my very best friends." Tod says as he is wrestling and playing with Alexis and Copper.

"And you're ours too Tod." Copper say as he Tod grabs his ear.

"And we'll always be friends forever. Won't we?" Tod asks.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"Forever." Copper says.

"Hey! Let's go swimmin'!" Tod says as he stands up.

"Give me a head start and I can beat ya!" Copper shouts as he, Alexis, and Tod then jump into a nearby lake.

"Copper! Alexis! Get over here!" Amos shouts in the distance.

"Uh oh. We gotta go home." Copper says as he and Alexis crawl out of the lake.

"Do ya have to? We're having too much fun." Tod says as he splashes around while Alexis and Copper shake themselves dry.

"We gotta go. He sounds awful mad." Alexis says.

"I'll see ya tomorrow. And don't forget!" Tod says.

"We won't!" Alexis shouts as she and Copper run off.

Love Is Forever The Fox and the Hound Copper X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now