Those Days Are Over

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"Boy. It's great to be back home. Isn't it?" Copper asks as he takes a drink from his water bowl before scratching his ears.

"If feels great to be back home." Alexis says as she wags her tail happily.

"Hmph." Chief says grumpily as Copper and Alexis look at him.

"Aw come on Chief. You aren't still sore. Are ya? Hey! Hey come on! Let's scuffle! We ain't scuffled in a long time! Come on Chief! Let's have some fun!" Copper says happily as he begins wrestling with Chief as Alexis giggles at the sight.

"Oh lay off Copper. You overgrown pup you. Oh let go! Dagnabbit! Let go I say!" Chief says as he throws Copper off.

"Okay okay." Copper says as he goes over to Alexis.

"You know that was your trouble on the hunt." Chief says grumpily.

"Aw come on old timer! You treat me like a pup. You know that? I think I've done real good trackin' down them varmints for you." Copper says proudly as he lays down in his barrel while Alexis lays next to him outside his barrel.

"Smellin' and trackin' ain't enough. You gotta think nasty! Heh!" Chief says.

"Okay okay. I know. Heh. I know." Copper says.

"At least later you two will have to settle down some when you have to take care of pups." Chief says as Alexis and Copper look at him curiously.

"What do you mean take care of pups? What are you talking about?" Alexis asks.

"Why else would the master get a female wolf and hound pup around the same time?" Chief asks as Alexis and Copper look at each other before back at Chief.

"We're not following." Copper says confusedly.

"You'll find out soon enough." Chief says as he goes to sleep before Alexis and Copper fall asleep.


Later that night as Alexis and Copper are sleeping they soon hear something rustling into the bushes and see Tod.

"Copper. Alexis. Hey Copper Alexis. It's me. Tod." Tod says as Alexis and Copper stand up.

"I thought that was you Tod. I-I heard you comin'." Copper says as he smiles.

"Boy you've really grown." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You both have too. I saw you comin' back with Chief and the hunter." Tod says as Alexis and Copper look back at a sleeping Chief before looking at Tod.

"It's great to see you Tod. But you know you. . . you shouldn't be over here. You. . . you're gonna get us all into a lot of trouble." Copper says worriedly.

"Yes Tod you need to get out of here. Now." Alexis says.

"Hey look I. . . I just wanted to see you. We. . . we're still friends. Aren't we?" Tod asks.

"Tod. Those days are over. I-I'm a huntin' dog now." Copper says as Tod gives a slightly hurt and disappointed look.

"Alexis?" Tod asks as he looks at Alexis who stays silent.

"You'd better get out of here before old Chief wakes up." Alexis says worriedly.

"Aw Chief. He doesn't worry me." Tod says as he laughs nervously.

"Tod we're serious." Alexis says.

"You're fair game as far as he's concerned." Copper says before Chief starts barking and a light is shined on Tod.

"It's that fox again!" Amos shouts as Tod runs off before Amos and Chief begin chasing after Tod before Alexis and Copper follow.

Love Is Forever The Fox and the Hound Copper X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now