Forgotten Promise

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Later at night as Alexis and Tod are walking they soon get ran into by Copper.

"Oh sorry Tod Alexis." Copper says as he stands up.

"Hey Copper." Alexis says sourly.

"How was the Ferris wheel?" Tod asks as Copper gasps.

"The fireworks. Oh, gosh. I forgot. Cash and I were busier than two mice in a cheese shop." Copper says as he smiles.

"Too busy for your best friends?" Tod asks annoyedly.

"It's not like that. Cash said I had to let everyone see me. Cash said it's good for the band. Cash said-" Copper then gets cut off by Tod.

"Cash said! Cash said! Who cares about Cash?" Tod says annoyedly.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous?" Copper asks curiously.

"No Copper. We're not." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Course not you dumb dog." Tod says angrily.

"Then what's eatin' you?" Copper asks angrily while looking at Alexis and Tod .

"What do you think is wrong Copper? You have hardly spoke to us since you became part of the band." Alexis says sourly.

"It's like you're not around anymore." Tod says sadly.

"I thought the band was good and stuff for you to join at first Copper but now it's like we don't see you at all." Alexis says sadly.

"Well I'm around now. Let's do somethin'. I mean if you wanna." Copper says nervously.

"Now?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"Shake on it?" Tod asks excitedly causing Copper to laugh.

"Shake on it." Copper says as the group gets ready to shake.

"Kid I swear you're slow as an iron toad. Come on. You're holdin' us up. Let's go." Cash says as he comes over before going inside the building.

"I guess I gotta go." Copper.

"But... But Copper..." Tod says sadly.

"I'll see you later. Okay?" Copper asks as he runs off.

"Yeah? Well maybe you will, and maybe you won't." Tod says angrily as he and Alexis go over to by the bowls.

"Give me one straight." Dixie says as she sits at the small counter before Tod gives her a bowl of dog biscuits.

"Give me that." The grey cat says as she swipes the bowl of dog biscuits before Alexis gives Dixie a bowl of water as she then sits by Tod.

"Oh darlins' you look like somethin' the cat dragged in. No offense." Dixie says as she noticed the sad looks on Alexis and Tod.

"What's it to you?" Alexis says sourly as she and Tod are sulking.

"Oh come on kids. We're both in the same ol' briar patch now. Cast off by the one we care about the most." Dixie says.

"Since he became part of the band he isn't around at all." Alexis says disappointedly.

"Copper's forgotten all about us." Tod says sadly.

"Yeah I heard that. Hurts worse than anything." Dixie says.

"Yeah. I remember this one tomcat named Leroy." Zelda says as Dixie looks at her.

"I'm talkin' to the fox and wolf. You see kids. Relationships and show business they just don't mix. Oh it starts out nice and friendly. Then they get that first taste of fame and it's look out for number one." Dixie says as she then sings for a while.

"And you know what? He wouldn't even be in that dumb ol' band if we hadn't lied for him." Tod says grumpily.

"Come again." Dixie asks as she looks at Alexis and Tod.

"I got Cash to think he was a stray. Copper's no stray." Tod says.

"He lives with me just down the road from Tod." Alexis says.

"Little darlins' all our troubles are over. How'd you like to get your best friend back?" Dixie asks as Alexis and Tod look at her confused.

"But how?" Tod asks as Dixie puts her leg around him and Alexis.

"Just listen close to ol' Dixie here." Dixie says as she smiles.

Love Is Forever The Fox and the Hound Copper X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now