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knock knock knock was heard at dds front door at ten in the morning. dd unwrapped treasure off of him standing up from his bed and stretching.

"where you going" she said into the pillow. "somebody at the door" he rasped rubbing his eyes adjusting to the light. "okay" she replied and he walked out of his room.

he walked to the living room stretching towards the door in only gray sweat pants, white nike socks, and a gold chain and earrings.

he unlocked the top then bottom opening the door to be met with melmel, mina and a baby bag.

he was extremely confused as she stood there waiting patiently. he waited for her to say something but she choked on her words.

"i- sorry hi. i was supposed to come see nottis room and drop mina off to him because we wanted her.." melmel explained.

dd listened attentively. he scanned her from head to toe noticing her attire which meant she would be going somewhere after this.

 he scanned her from head to toe noticing her attire which meant she would be going somewhere after this

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she even dresses the same he thought

he was so used to treasure walking out the house with minimum clothes he didn't think that seeing melmel in a pair of shorts and a matching jacket would be so refreshing to him. but it was and he was enjoying every second of it.

he wanted so badly to ask what she wanted to tell him. he knew it was important from the way his family acted but his ego stopped him.

"look dd while i have you here, i really wanna tell you th-" melmel attempted to rip the bandage off for the third time but was abruptly interrupted by treasure "papa what's taking so long who was at the door" she whined walking behind him.

melodys sighed, she was starting to understand what treasure was doing and she didn't appreciate it but out of respect for dd she kept quiet seeing he actually liked her and she didn't want to ruin his happiness.

at this point she was ready to just tell him in front of treasure but her anxiety was putting more pressure on her and if she did get yelled at she didn't want it to be infront of people.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝟗 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐒, ᵈᵈ ᵒˢᵃᵐᵃWhere stories live. Discover now