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"ma!" mina jumped on me as i slept. "wake up! da say, you say we go waffle house" she stumbled over her words and i cried on the inside sitting up.

i was up late talking to dd that ion think i even got enough sleep. but i told him i would. "we go waffle house" she asked curiously and tilted her head to the side.

"mhm" i mumbled nodding my head and rubbing my wyes. ion even wanna know how i look right now, i know i look a mess.

"where yo daddy at" i said before yawning and stretching. "huh?" he walked in my room dressed with a water. "i was asking where you was" i stood up twisting to crack my back.

"i was thirsty" he shrugged twisting the cap on the water. i nodded silently still waking up as i walked to the bathroom.

i used the restroom before washing my hands followed by brushing my teeth and washing my face. i took my bonnet off grabbing my brush when dd walked in sitting on the counter.

"where mina" i squirmed my eyes brushing out the naps in my lace. "she wanted it play with her toys" he shrugged meaning she was in the living room.

"what they got at waffle house?" he looked up at me from his phone. "what time is it?" i asked "11" he replied staring at the side of my face while i put in my stud earrings.

"okay it's still breakfast so they got like eggs, grits, bacon, waffles stuff like that. you can see more when we get there." i said grabbing the solution to put on my ears since i got new piercings recently.

"okay" he nodded. "i also want you to have they lunch too tho so we might go again later" i laughed making him smile. "did you decide if you coming wit me tonight cause we can go there before" i sucked my bottom lip into my mouth hoping he said yeah.

usually it would be weird to strip in front of your ex but i feel like we've developed a friendship again. i really wanna show him that i'm actually good at it though.

i've told him stories but he just won't understand unless he witnesses it. plus i'm really pretty in floss and i want him to see what he missin. but i wouldn't tell him that.

"yeah i'a come" he nodded rubbing his hands down his purple jeans and i bit back a smile. "you sure you want me to come? ain't that like bad luck. or you won't be nervous" he said making me pause.

"if you don't wanna come don't feel pressured-" i started furrowing my eyebrows "no no i do, foreal. but ion want you to feel like i have to be there" he said.

"oh. well i want you to it would be fun. " i nodded finishing. "bet then" he said "wait do it be a lot of people? ion like people" he said nervous.

"damn dude am i strippin or you?" i laughed joking and he deadpanned me. "ian gone lie it be a big amount of people but it don't get over crowded. plus you famous they'll prolly put you in a section full of girls" i shrugged and he cocked a eyebrow.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝟗 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐒, ᵈᵈ ᵒˢᵃᵐᵃWhere stories live. Discover now