jealous chishiya [GN]

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set at the end of S2

you and chishiya had been dating for awhile now, you were both at shibuya during the meteorite incident, causing you both to go into a coma, the doctors said both of your heart's stopped for a minute

when you were found, your hands was holding tightly onto each other's

you were in a different room at the hospital than him, so when you were allowed to, you finally visited him

he wasn't there, only a man with a bit of his face burnt, he was another survivor from the meteorite

"oh! I'm sorry, I thought this was where chishiya shuntaro was placed, sorry for bothering you!" you bowed your head towards him but he lifted his hand to stop you

"he is, he just left, you can stay here until he gets back, are you his friend?" he was sitting on his bed, back against the wall

you nodded "do you know if he'll take long? I can just come back later"

"nah, it's fine, don't want a pretty [girl/boy/whatever] like you roaming around alone"

you smiled flusteredly, not having expected the man to flirt with you "I'm flattered"

"my name is niragi, what's yours?"

you looked at him with your head tilted niragi? why does that sound so familiar?" "have we met before? I feel like I know you"

"I don't think so, I don't ever forget a pretty face"

you giggled "alright, I'm y/n"

you ended up talking until he left to grab a drink, and that's when your boyfriend came back from whatever he was doing

"you two seem close" he said as he sat beside you


"you seem comfortable around him" you smiled at him in a teasing matter "what? jealous?"

he didn't speak

"you are!"

"I am not"

"you totally are, aww baby, you're the only one for me!" you hugged his side

"don't call me baby" he tried to get out of your hold

"come on, I have a perfectly fine boyfriend right here, why would I want someone else?"

he laid his head on your shoulder "I'm sorry" he apologized "you're a beautiful person, I'm sure you could get anyone you wanted, I'm still not sure why you picked me"

"you're smart, handsome, and despite your coldness towards others, you're sweet when you really try, you're good with kids, and a fantastic doctor,  who wouldn't pick you?"

he tried to hide his smile from you, but it was always useless when he was around you, he always found himself smiling

he held onto your hand and kept his head on your shoulder

"I'm glad i met you"

A/N: me not knowing how to end anything djdjdj sorry idk how much i like this 😭

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