yaba & banda x fem reader

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A/N: I'm sure you probably wanted more of the relationship in this but I wasn't sure how to go about it, I will make another chapter with a actual relationship with them soon though, I hope you enjoy

going into a game of hearts with your brother was a risky idea, but after almost getting shot down by the king of spades he didn't want you to leave his side

the jack of hearts was the closet to you, so you went in and grabbed a collar, and stood next to a boy in a white hoodie, and shortly after the final player arrives

the rules were explained, and you were glad you brought someone you trusted, since it was a game of trust and betrayal

ippei was nervous, he was always nervous and anxious in the games you played, you tried not to show emotion and play it cool, knowing the other players could use it to their advantage

but you were sure you could win this one, and with your brother by your side

rounds and rounds went by, and he only got worst, having paired up with chishiya, he was trustworthy for the game, and he wasn't as bad as a persom as others were

almost everyone was dead at this point, and you were anxious too, if somehow they died you'd have no one, and you were beginning to show that nervousness

ippei crushed you in a hug, his tears freely flowing while yours stayed intact

you made a promise to get out of here together, and you were getting so close...

but then the round ended and ippei didn't come out of his cell

you knew you or chishiya didn't lie about his suit, so he must've not given an answer

you were shaking as you stood in front of his cell, feet frozen to the ground, unable to move, the tears finally fell from your eyes

you would kill yourself this round, you couldn't go on without your brother, you haven't been separated from him in years

you ignored chishiya's voice and ran to hide in a corner, you wouldn't know your suit, you wouldn't say your suit, you're leaving with him

but then footsteps echoed in front of you, you had your head in your knees

"go away, chishiya" your voice cracked

the figured sighed and crounched down to you, moving your head with his hands to look at him

it was yaba, you sniffled and tried to look away but he kept your head in place

"if you're planning on killing yourself, by all means, do it, but think about what you're doing, would your brother want you to do that? he seemed like a good fellow, I don't think he would want you to follow him, I will tell you your suit, and you can decide whether or not you will really do it, but I just want you to think about how he would feel"

heart, heart was your suit

you made eye contact with yaba before entering your cell, you breathed out and stood inside

you looked at the small window in the cell, taking in the sunlight, ippei wouldn't let you kill yourself, ippei would want you to continue the game, ippei would want you to live

it reminded you of moments when you were kids, even if he was lonely he'd encourage you to go hang out with your friends instead of him

you closed your eyes, a tear slipping off your face

5 seconds left in the clock





a blast was heard from the cells, and laughter was soon echoing throughout the building

until chishiya walked out, then banda sunato, and yaba, and finally, you did

the jack of hearts was caught, you would win, it didn't feel right without your brother, but you would live for him

you stayed with banda and yaba inside the building, to torture information out of matsushita enji, he was the one who killed your brother, even if he didn't do it himself, he was still the cause

he killed himself while he said nothing important about the world you lived in

you walked out with banda and yaba, but you found yourself stopping at the cell ippei died in

the two stopped when they noticed your absence

"are you alright, y/n-chan?" banda spoke, he walked closer towards you and saw what you were looking at

"hm, your brother, right?" you nodded, he put his hand on your back in a way to comfort you

"he couldn't handle the games, but you can, you are a strong person, and I'm sure he knew that too, don't let his death take over you, if you stay by our side, everything will be alright"

tears fell again, you didn't want to cry, not in front of them, but they didn't seem to mind it, yaba got closer and placed you in his arms, it was a comforting embrace

while banda stroked your hair, you stayed like that for awhile

they kept true to their promise, protecting you in every situation they could, and by the end of all the games, the three of you chose to stay

"I wonder what'll happen now" you said, watching the fireworks, would you start making games? will more people arrive?

"something beautiful, I bet" banda took your hand in his, and yaba grabbed your other, a relationship formed between the three of you after the jack of hearts

"whatever it is, I'm glad to have you by my side"

ippei would be proud of you for living till the end, but maybe he would be mad at you for choosing to stay, but if you went back, you don't know what you'll do

in a world with all that trauma, no one would be able to understand you, maybe ippei would realize that too, and he wouldn't be angry with you anymore

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