chishiya x platonic female reader

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A/N: sorry if you don’t like it, i got ideas and it got a little out of hand, and I think I went off the request a bit

requested: @im_hot12309

when chishiya entered the jack of hearts building, he wasn't expecting to find companionship in a energetic girl

he noticed you as soon he walked in, you were smiling while playing with the hem of your shirt, excited for the game to start

he found this interesting as every other player looked nervous or bored, he was going to approach you when the game started but you seemed to have the same idea

"hello!" you said cheerfully "want to team up? everyone else is already together, and I really don't wanna be in that girls team" your eyes darted to the girl in the blue dress

chishiya nodded, since he already planned to team up with you

you all came out with no harm at the first round, but the second round there was already someone dying

the scared boy on the floor lied to the creepy bald man and you grimaced

"that skinny boy told him to lie" you said with confidence

"what makes you think that?"

"look at him, he's so suspicious, why would he help someone getting bullied? unless he has another motive in mind! telling him to lie about the suit, in return he will die and not bother him"


"an amazing observation? I know"

"not at all, actually"

you pouted "fine, what's your name by the way? I'm y/n"

"why should I tell you?"

"well, we're in a team, and I already said mine, so it's your turn, unless you want a nickname! how about...grumpy?" you said with excitement

"... I'd prefer you didn't"

"hmmm, old man? you don't look that old though... blondie?" you then started listing off various nicknames that chishiya didn't even understand

"chishiya, my name is chishiya" you clapped in happiness "finally, I knew you'd break! ugh, all that talking made me hungry, want a snack?"

"I could use some"

you went to the kitchen, scanning the shelves as chishiya grabbed a packet of cookies

finally deciding on a lollipop, you unwrapped it and sat on a table, watching with chishiya as everyone began eating or looking at their suits

"this is exciting, don't you think?" your voice was muffled as the lollipop was in between your lips “people are already starting to lie, who do you think the jack is?”

“you” chishiya munched on a cookie and you pouted “so mean, you’re such a bully, should i lie to you this time?”

ippei from the side looked at you with wide eyes “it’s just a joke, sorry” you said “i won’t lie to you guys, i may be dumb but i’m not getting rid of my allies”

more rounds went by went and ippei was getting more and more nervous “why are they all killing each other?!?”

“that bitch is crazier than me” you sighed

“are you really surprised? nobody wants to be the next to die” chishiya said

“do you think shes the jack?” ippei asked, your eyes scanned across the room, finding matsuhita enji “you see that emo guy?” you whispered

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