arisu x female reader

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you and arisu had been dating for a couple months, you were transported into this world together, played many games together, except for the one that took your best friends lives

during the days you hadn't seen him, you assumed he died, falling into a depressive slump, you played a game hoping to lose it, but you met a girl there who changed your mind, her name was usagi

she told you that you didn't know if he was dead, there was a possibility he was just injured, you had to keep hopeful, and that she would be there for you if you found out

only the next day did you realize how right she was, walking back to her shelter in the rain was when you found arisu, all alone on the road

you played some more games together, and arrived to the beach together

but this time you had to play alone, you were paired with people who you didn’t even know

the game was tough, eight of spades, you wished you had usagi with you

you were injured pretty badly, nowhere near the brink of death, but it was taking awhile to get back, you were the only one who lived at the end, you felt guilty even though it wasn’t your fault

the game arena was pretty far, and you didn’t know how to drive, plus your hand was injured, you almost wanted to walk back instead, but you knew they wanted all cars to be returned unless no one survived

meanwhile, arisu got back from his already, it was a easy game and he managed to save everyone, now he was waiting for you, but time went passed by and there was no sign of your group coming back

even usagi was back and waited with him, she was starting to ger nervous amd arisu could feel his chest getting tighter

what happened? is the game long? were you in a hearts game? were you injured? did you...die?

his thoughts were interrupted when he heard niragi snickering

“what are you still waiting around for? your little girlfriend huh?” he laughed “you’ve been sitting here for an hour, haven’t you realized it? shes not coming back!”

“don’t say that! she’s going to be back, she’s not weak” arisu defended you, usagi put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down

“i wouldn’t say that” niragi smirked “people from the game arena close to hers said the entire group failed the game, so you can stop waiting so pathetically for someone who won’t arrive”

usagi glared at him and grabbed arisu to walk away, but arisu was frozen in place, did you really die?

no, you were too strong, you wouldn’t, but…if someone else did it…

he’s lost his best friends, and now his girlfriend? the people he was the closet to in the world, maybe if arisu was sent with you he could’ve prevented it, was it his fault for wanting to play separate games?

even longer went by, and arisu thought it was hopeless, he thought you really died there, until you showed up in the middle of the night, bruised with blood on your hands, both literally and figuratively

arisu was led into his room by usagi hours before, he hadn't moved from his spot since niragi told him

you thought arisu was asleep, so you went to your own to shower and lay down, and the next day you came out of your room and met usagi, who looked like she hadn't slept

"usagi, are you okay?" she gasped and turned to you, her eyes blown wide

"y/n?! you're…alive?" you were about to answer when she pulled you into a hug, her eyes with tears "we thought you died!"

"huh? why? I know I was late, but dead?"

"niragi said everyone died in your game, but I see now he lied" usagi grabbed your hand and walked to arisu's room

"arisu has been a mess all night, he's barely moved"

your pace picked up as you arrived at his room, opening the door and seeing him facing the window while laying on his bed

you approached him slowly, leaning down, his eyes were closed but he didn't seem to be asleep

"arisu?" his eyes fluttered open at your voice, he sat up abruptly and grabbed onto your arm

"are you real?! am I hallucinating?" he whispered to himself

"she's real, arisu, niragi lied to us" usagi said

arisu sighed, tears fell out of his eyes as he hugged your waist, stuffing his face into your stomach (he's still sitting down)

"please don't ever do that to me again, I don't know what I'd if you died too" you hugged him back, tracing circles on his back to sooth him

it was something you hadn't done in awhile, if he had a bad day he'd stuff his face in your chest or stomach while you rubbed his back, doing it again reminded you of before

"I'll never leave you, I'm here to stay, you can't get rid of me so easily" now your fingers ran through his hair

he got up and kissed you suddenly, usagi backed away awkwardly, unsure whether she should be seeing this, so she left the room

"I absolutely hate niragi" he sighed, placing his head on your shoulder

"don't do anything stupid, he may be a asshole but he's stronger than us"

"stay with me? I don't want you to leave" you nodded, and you eventually laid on his bed, arisu didn't want to be separated from you, he wanted to leave this place with you, he'll keep you safe and protect you no matter what

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