Chapter Seven

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Roxanne had watched Steve walk off from Bucky to sign up for the army once again. She watched Bucky follow after him, and as if it was written in a book in front of her, she watched Bucky leave after talking to Steve, before Steve was actually given a shot to at least get a physical done to see if he was fit enough. She knew immediately that this was the chance he needed and he had gotten, and she almost felt odd seeing some of the events play out in front of her like a movie.

The woman had stayed for a good bit of the expo, before she had decided she was tired and wanted to head back to her hotel. Her progress with Bucky was slow, which had been foreseen-at least to her-so she wasn't surprised that he hadn't asked her to come live with him almost immediately, though future Bucky had a feeling he would eventually.

As Roxanne walked out of the expo, she watched as a few men and women left as well. The men held the women on their arms, and Roxanne knew it was the era of the trophy wives. Everyone seemed to have some type of trophy wife, or some reason for their wife to be better than everyone else's. Roxanne thought it was a little pitiful to compare all the women, and make them jump through hoops to be better than one another in their own twisted game of life.

Anyway, as she decided to walk the long way back to her hotel, she listened to the quiet sounds of the city. Yes, there were cars and hundreds of people, but the world seemed just a little bit quieter compared to 2023. As she was walking though, she heard a grunt. Though she wasn't one for confrontation often, she decided to check it out anyway. She headed towards the sound, and gasped when she seen Howard Stark being grabbed by two men, while another tried to steal his briefcase. The three men were more muscular than most, so they definitely had the upper hand on Howard, but they wouldn't on Roxanne.

Roxanne quickly grabbed the guy with the briefcase and smacked his head into the wall behind him. She didn't have super soldier strength, but she was pretty damn good at fighting. She had been trained by Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Steve Rogers for a long time, not including everything she learned from Tony and Bruce Banner. Roxanne used her Telekinesis and threw the other two men away from Howard, causing them to hit the wall behind them harshly.

When the three men stood to attack Roxanne, she threw her hands forward and clasped her fists closed, and the three men began to choke. She stepped closer and strengthened her hold, causing them to fall to their knees on the ground.

"I believe you three should step away from Mr. Stark, and if I ever see your faces again, I will not show mercy. Do you understand?" She questioned, and they nodded,"That goes for anymore of your friends as well. They stay away, or they're dead." She spat, before releasing her hold on the men.

The men gasped for air, clutching their chests and throats as the cool air seeped into their lungs. Once they had gotten even remotely enough air to stand, they jumped up and ran away. As soon as they were gone, Roxanne turned back towards Howard Stark. The man stared at her with wide eyes, and she couldn't help but let a smile grace her face. She frowned soon after when she seen the cut above his eye, lining his eyebrow.

"Let me." She murmured, stepping over to Howard.

She slowly placed her hand above the cut, and watched as her angelic white power seeped out and closed the wound on his head. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to scar, so he would continue to be the pretty boy all women thought he was.

"How- How can you--" He tried to ask, but he was too in shock of what he had seen her do.

"I was given these powers when I was sixteen, and I've been using them for good ever since." She replied, not really telling him much of the truth.

"Look, this may seem very forward, Ms. Felton, but you just proved you can take on three grown men on your own. So, I was hoping you would accept my offer." He commented, causing her to bite her lip.

"What offer?" She asked, crossing her arms.

She didn't want to agree, if it meant sleeping with Howard because he was a giant manwhore that wanted to sleep with any pretty woman that gave him the time of day.

"I was wondering if you would like to be my security." He said, his voice seeming to become nonchalant about everything fairly soon.

"Yeah? What would that entail?" She asked, causing the man to shrug.

"Follow me to events, keep away the bad guys, protect me from things that are trying to kill me." He replied, and she sighed.

"Do I have time to think this over?" She asked, causing the man to nod.

"You have exactly one week, and if you don't have an answer, I will just assume the answer is 'no,' and I will eventually find another bodyguard. Though I doubt any other bodyguard would ever be as attractive." He said, and she simply rolled her eyes, before giving the man a nod.

"I will give you an answer before the week is up. I live at the hotel up the road, so I don't know if I'll be able to find a phone easily, but--" She began, before he cut her off.

"I can take care of that. I will send Mr. Jarvis you in four days to get your response. If you are still unsure by then, let him know, and I'll give you the rest of the week." Howard stated, and she nodded.

"I should get back," She commented, causing him to nod as well,"I will definitely consider your job offer Mr. Stark." She added, causing him to smile.

"I hope you do, and I hope you say yes. I have a feeling you're the perfect fit for the job." He replied, making her smile as well.

It was just that the two adults didn't know exactly how much that job would affect their lives in the future...

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