Chapter Ten

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Hours later, Roxanne had went with Howard to his new lab. She didn't ask many questions about where his things were located, nor did she ask who all he was associating himself with; or rather them, since she had to be with him for most of her day and night. Hell, she was almost surprised that he didn't expect her to sleep in the bed with him, or at least in the same room as him.

Actually, he had rushed her out of their rental home practically the minute they had arrived. Mr. Jarvis placed their luggage in the living room, and Howard had promised her a tour once they were finished with whatever he had to do at his lab. She had a feeling he could spend hours and hours at the lab, but Roxanne refused for Howard to actually stay that long.

"Mr. Stark, should those two pieces really go together? I don't believe they would fit there. Maybe a little lower, y'know, give the super soldier a little more room to grow." Roxanne commented, causing Howard to turn towards her.

"Do you know all things like this, or just certain bits?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"I know quite a bit, but that's because my best friend taught me quite a bit about mechanics, engineering, and science." Roxanne replied, making Howard raise his eyebrows.

"Sounds like a real genius to me." He commented, and she nodded with a reminiscent smile.

"He was, believe me. He was the smartest man I knew." She answered, causing him to look at her with a small smirk.

"And now?" He asked, making her roll her eyes and chuckle.

"Now he's still the smartest man I ever knew, but you're a close second. I believe you two would've gotten along well, as long as you two didn't let your egos get in the way." She commented, and he smiled slightly.

"You think?" He asked, causing her to nod.

"I wish you two could've met." She murmured, though she wasn't sure how much she actually meant it.

To be honest, if they had met, she wasn't sure if Tony would understand his father, or vice versa. She had a feeling the two would butt heads, but for all she knew, they could actually get along in some way.

"I've got the blueprint and measurements down now, so we can head out for the night if you want." Howard commented, though it wasn't normal for him to care if someone else wanted to leave when he was busy.

"You do your work, we can leave whenever you're ready." She replied, smiling sadly at him.

Roxanne went and found herself a desk chair, and she watched Howard start to build the machine he needed to help make the super soldier. She wanted to know more information, but she didn't really want to ask Howard. If she was honest, she knew quite a bit, but hearing it from Howard, and possibly some from his notes, would definitely give her more information than she ever read online, and possibly even heard from Steve.

Steve had told her quite a bit about his transformation, but that was because she was honestly curious. When he and Tony stopped being friends, she had been disappointed, but she would stay on Tony's side no matter what. Afterward she became friends with Steve again, as well as his friends Bucky and Sam. The three men were nice to her, and very inciteful, but none of them were Tony. They would never be Tony, especially once she had lost him.

She wondered if they had been watching out for Pepper, Peter, and Morgan like she had asked. She wondered if she had gotten Tony back for them like she had wanted, or if her mission would fail. She had a good feeling about the mission, but she could never be too sure.

About an hour later, Howard decided to end his work for the night and take Roxanne out to dinner. It was around ten at night, but he knew she was definitely hungry, probably as much as he was. They had arrived at the lab around four in the afternoon, so ten at night was rather late to go without food.

"Come, Ms. Felton, it's time for dinner." Howard said, as he held his hand out to her.

"I doubt many places will be open, Mr. Stark, it's kind of late." She replied, making him nod.

"Yes, but I bet we'll at least find an open diner." He answered, and she chuckled.

Howard had called Mr. Jarvis ten minutes earlier, so he was outside once they had left the lab. Howard opened the door for Roxanne and allowed her into the car, before he climbed in after her and shut the door.

"I hope you like burgers." Howard commented, causing her to grin.

"You have absolutely no idea how much I like burgers." She replied, making him chuckle.

Mr. Jarvis brought Howard and Roxanne to a small diner that was known most for their burgers and sandwiches. The diner would be closing in about thirty minutes, but Howard was determined to get himself and Roxanne food, even it that meant he had to pay the restaurant to stay open.

"Mr. Stark, shouldn't we order Mr. Jarvis some food?" Roxanne asked, as she and Howard sat in a booth near the window.

"Yes, we can, but Ana will be arriving tomorrow night, and she's not too excited about Jarvis eating food that isn't home cooked. She often cooks for me as well, so be prepared to have home cooked meals from Ana quite often." Howard commented, and Roxanne smiled.

Roxanne missed Pepper's cooking, even though she didn't cook often. Sometimes Roxanne would cook for Tony, but it wasn't all the time since he ordered in a lot.

"Do you like home cooked meals?" Roxanne asked, and Howard nodded.

"Yes, whenever I can get them." He replied, making her smile.

If she was smart, she would use home cooked meals as a time to talk serious information with Howard. She hoped like hell he would listen to her. If he didn't, than the entire plan would've been for nothing...

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