Chapter Thirty Eight

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When Tony was ten, Steve found Bucky Barnes. The man was different, and definitely tortured, but Howard and Roxanne planned to try and help fix him. He was back, and that meant he'd never get the chance to hurt or kill them because of HYDRA. The couple would never have to leave their son an orphan because of the horrible group of people who experimented and tortured people for their own gain.

Anyhow, as Tony got older, he only seemed to get smarter. He was always the smartest kid in his class, and when he graduated early, Roxanne and Howard couldn't be prouder. He even started college early, which wasn't a surprise to anyone. He was in the running for eventually being the head of Stark Industries, and his parents were ecstatic.

Unlike the Tony she knew before, this Tony was different. He wasn't a playboy, sleeping with every girl around. He still partied all the time, but what kid didn't? He wanted to live his best life before he took over a company, and his parents weren't going to scold him for that.

Over the years, Steve had even watched the boy grow up. He was proud of Tony and all of his accomplishments. Tony never gained an alcohol problem, but he did gain his father's personality trait of always being right and smarter than everyone. That was something Roxanne doubted he'd ever grow out of, but he had a reason to be that way. He was smarter than almost everyone, so he was allowed to feel superior, even if he overly acted out sometimes.

Tony graduated college at the age of seventeen at the top of his class. He met his best friend while in college, a boy named James Rhodes, but the boy went by the nickname Rhodey. Rhodey was a good boy, and he always kept Tony on the right path, even when so many other people were trying to get him on the wrong one.

When Rhodey graduated college a year later, Howard and Roxanne allowed the boy to move in with them. They knew he wouldn't cause any problems for the family, especially since he planned to join the army soon after graduating.

When Rhodey went and joined the army, Tony was a bit frazzled. The boy had been his best friend, so when he left, that left Tony feeling alone. Roxanne understood, since she had gone through something similar years ago. The mother simply stayed by her son's side, letting him know that he'd make more friends in the future, and Rhodey was just one of many.

At the age of twenty two, Tony was surprised by being given the family business. Howard had signed the company over to his son on the boy's twenty second birthday. Tony was ecstatic with the news, and he couldn't thank his parents enough.

Unlike the other Tony, this Tony didn't have so many things weighing on his shoulders. Roxanne allowed him to be free, but she also gave him guidance when he needed it. She also never allowed Howard to hire Obadiah Stane, since the man was so awful, and she remembered everything he had done in the past.

Howard was practically Tony's advisor when it came to the company. When Tony wanted to change something, he'd ask his dad how he felt about it. He didn't want to do anything that his mom or dad thought would ruin the company. He never wanted to let them down, especially his mom, since she was his best friend.

Most people would see this act as being childish, but Tony didn't care. He had a special connection with his parents, and he wasn't going to give that up. They were always there for him, even at his darkest moments, and they never turned their backs on him.

Running the company wasn't always easy, and he learned that many years ago watching his father run the company. Howard always worked so hard to make sure everything was perfect, and years later, Tony was doing the same thing. He wanted to be just as good as his father, if not better, like his father hoped he would be.

Throughout Tony's childhood, Roxanne still worked with orphanages and food banks and such to help the less fortunate. Tony admired her for that, and he helped her with it once he had gotten older. He felt bad for all of the children without parents, and he wished they had parents as great as his. He knew he couldn't really do anything about that part, but when he had the chance, he did help them in whatever way he could.

One year, on his thirteen birthday, Tony had donated all of his birthday money to a charity of his choosing. Roxanne and Howard were very proud of him, and they matched his donations to the penny and donated as well. They had also bought Tony a couple of things, knowing he wouldn't have the chance to get what he wanted until he recieved more money.

Tony may have been a pain in the ass at times, and had a mouth that could get him into trouble, but he was a good boy. His mother truly believed he was one of the kindest men in the world, and she hoped everyone could see just how kind and caring the boy truly was.

He would hold charity galas sometimes, and many millionaires would donate. They all wanted to be recognized by Tony, Howard, and Roxanne Stark, so they donated thousands to see which one would get the family's attention during the galas. It was kind of funny, but it was a great way for the charities to recieve the donations they needed.

Tony Stark really was a genius, a philanthropist, and a billionaire, but under all that, he was the perfect son. He did everything he could for his family. He was always there when it mattered, and that's all they could ever hope for when it came to their little boy...

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