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As I walk down the busy street of New York, I contemplate running into the traffic. It's been almost seven hours. Two hours of walking, four hours of interviewing, and an hour of waiting to hear back. My feet are tired but I'm even more mentally drained. Yesterday I had turned in my photography final and I'm praying to every God or rock- or whatever, that I do well on it.

Every since I was six I've been wanting to peruse photography. I got my first camera at eight and my first real one at eleven. Maybe I would've changed aspirations if I knew that dealing with shitty people was apparently a main part of trying to get hired.

I mean come on, it's fucking New York. You would think that someone out of the statewide population would want to hire me with decent pay.

Loud honking and pissed off pedestrians surround me as I walk down the busy street. In the distance I can see the restaurant I'm headed to. With each step I take, I feel closer and closer to victory.

If I concentrate hard enough I could smell the unnecessary amount of cheese that they slather on their pizza but I've never been happier.

The weathers not terrible. Sure it's chilly buy I have on a hoodie I got from the campus gift-shop and gold boots that I found from a thriftstore.

Soon enough, I make it to the restaurant. I walk in and instantly spot my roommates sitting at our usual table. I slide in next to the empty seat next to Niall.

Across from me, Liam asks, "Any luck?"

I let out a sigh. "No, not really." I say as Niall rubs my back gently.

Kendall, who is diagonal from where I sit, gives me a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll find something H. Don't worry."

"I fucking hope." I added as I rub my hands over my face. Why can't this day just be over already?

"Here," Niall says catching my attention. "eat some pizza okay?" He slides me his plate that has two slices of cheese pizza on them, one already half eaten.

I take a bite of the untouched slice as Kendall speaks. "Did you just come back from an interview?" She takes a sip of what looks like a chocolate milkshake.

Quickly, I swallow before answering. "Yeah. It was for some small newspaper." I explain.

"No wonder you didn't get a job, you're dressed like a tourist." Niall jokes taking in my appearance, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

If there's one person who can make me laugh after a long shitty day, it's Niall.

I was 15 when I met Niall. He had already lived in the house behind mine for a few months when we met. The window in his room lined up with the window in mine so we saw each other a few times a week, but we never spoke

A couple weeks later, we had both attended the same career exploration summer camp. We were paired up to share a cabin and ever since then he's been my partner in crime.

"I'm a photographer Ni, not a neurosurgeon." I playfully roll my eyes before taking another bite of the overly greasy overly cheesy pizza.

"Enough about me, have any of you guys found anything?" I ask hoping that someone did. It's not that we don't have jobs, our landlord just decided to raise our rent by $250. I don't event think that's entirely legal, but even if it isn't, it's not like we have the money to sue him anyway.

"I talked to my boss yesterday about picking up extra shifts but I don't think I'll get any." Niall shares. "Not much luck on my end either. I applied to a craft store but I was wearing my "I heart sluts" shirt so I don't think I'll be getting a call back." Kendall says rolling her lips into a line.

"Jesus Ken." Liam says closing his eyes, having to take a moment after what he just heard.

Gotta love Kendall.

"Well did you find anything?" Kendall snaps back with a playful smile. "Yes actually." He says perking up.

"I got a gig working as security for some small concert venue. The guitarist said he'll even pay me extra if I silly string their manager." He shares with a smile. "That's great Li, how much does it pay?" Niall asks.

"210 in total." He says with a sigh. "I'm their for a total of seven nights. It's thirty bucks a night."

It's definitely not great but it'll do.

"I do also know that they needed a few extra members to help with their tour. I don't know exactly what they need but I know for a fact that they deffi-." Liam adds on before I interrupt him when I get a thought in my head.

"Do they need a photographer?" Sure it was rude, but I really needed to know.

God I desperately hope they need a do. Not only would I be getting paid, but I would also be expanding my style and not just doing point and shoot. This could do wonders for my portfolio.

"As I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted." Liam jokes, playfully rolling his eyes. "They need someone to help with the merch stand and..." he trails off drumming down on the broken table, causing it to slightly rock back and forth. "They need a photogroper as well." he shares with a smile.

"Do you have a contact for their team so that I can-" This time, Liam interrupts me. "I already gave them your information. Their manager said she'll call you tomorrow."

I let out an excited gasp, gaining the looks of a few people dining. "Oh my god Liam I swear I could kiss you right now." I say with a wide smile on my face.

"Don't get too excited." Liam says with a nervous look. "Why?" I question raising an eyebrow, this sounds perfect. This is perfect.

"Frankie is gonna be there as well." Liam says with an blank look. The entire table goes silent.

Niall groans. "I just lost my appetite." He says looking disgusted. "Li are you being serious?" Kendall says blinking rapidly. "Why can't he just disappear." Niall whines.

Trust me, I wish he would too.

Liam gives a half frown before talking again. "He may or may not also be going with you to the venue on Monday while I'm working." He can't be serious. This has to be joke right?

But, if dealing with Frank for a couple minutes means I might get an extra job then so be it. Although, a small part of me can't help but think Liam has an ulterior reason for this.

"You owe me." I tell Liam. This is quite possibly the worst thing he could've done.

"I know-"

"I mean it." I give him a stern look and continue to eat my pizza. I do not want to fucking do this.


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