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Little Dark age- MGMT

Louis Tomlinson

Louis presses decline to whoever was calling him before he sits at his drum kit like he has a million times before and waits for directions. The stage manager, who everyone refers to as Mrs. Parker, stands in the almost empty pit wearing a headset with a microphone and clipboard in her hands.

There were a handful of people watching them during Soundcheck. One of them being a girl with blue streaks in her hair. Louis remembers her only for the reason that she's usually front row at all of their shows.

Louis doesn't have to ask, he knows Michael invited her.

Mrs. Parker says something into the mic on her headset before speaking to the band. "Alright Swift, if I could have you go first. Say or sing anything you want into your microphone."

Taylor leans in and speaks. "What is a cat's favorite Formula One team?" She pauses dramatically. "Furrari." Louis hates to admit it, but that was kind of funny.

Mrs. Parker scribbles down on her clipboard. "That was a solid 6.5/10." Mikey says into his microphone.

Taylor turns her head around is shock. "Come on that was a solid eight." Taylor says annoyedly.

"Seven. Eight is pushing it." Zayn chimes in. Mrs. Parker scribbles down on her clipboard once again.

"What? You're so wrong. Louis, what do you think?" Taylor asks. Louis would answer and tell her the truth about him finding it funnier than he should've, but he was too busy watching a certain brunette enter the room.

He changed, now sporting a dark green shirt instead of his white shirt from earlier. On his back is a bright pink backpack filled with what Louis presumes is camera equipment.

Louis questions why he's here but doesn't speak once he sees their manager making his way over to him.

"Uhh Louis?" Louis looks up to see everyone's eyes on him. "Sorry, repeat that again love." He says feeling bad for not paying attention to his friends.

"I asked if you thought my cat joke was funny." Louis looks down when halfway through her sentence he feels his phone ringing in his pocket. He quickly shuts it off and turns back to Taylor.

"Sorry." Louis says again. He feels his heart sink a bit when he notices Taylor's saddened expression. "Yes, I did actually. To be honest I hate that I did. So fuckin' stupid." He says, making Taylor smile.

"See!" She says gesturing to Mikey and Zayn. "Even Louis found it funny."

Sound check continued on like normal. So far everything seemed to be going alright. But then, of course, it didn't.

Once Harry was done speaking to their manager James, he started taking pictures of everyone during sound check.

He had got up to the balcony seats and was taking overhead shots when another long haired brunette entered.

Louis starting to notice a pattern with his love interests. If he can even call Harry that.

"Louis. A word. Now." The voice demanded.


Louis wishes nothing more then for this to be over with already.

"You guys keep going I'll be back soon." He quickly excuses himself and heads backstage with her.

"Ellie I really can't be away for long." Louis says hoping that there is an actual reason for this.

"And you won't be, as long as you answer me truthfully." Louis huffs out a breath at her words. "You really couldn't have called?" He asks crossing his arms.

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