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Louis Tomlinson

"Can you recall the last time you felt as if your dad was proud of you?" Niall asks looking at his notebook. "Nope." Louis says popping the P. "If I knew he was proud of me I wouldn't be here mate." Louis says blankly, fiddling with the strings from the rips on his jeans.

Niall takes a deep breath. "Okay... let's move on for now. We'll definitely unpack this later." He crosses one leg over the other.

"Let's." Louis says under his breath as he checks the clock in the corner of the room.

The session is coming towards an end. Louis had spent the first half trying to figure out Niall's credentials and if he really was qualified to be a therapist. After Louis figured out Niall was credible he felt bad and kept apologizing for his skepticism. Niall brushed it off and just wanted Louis to get the most out of his session. So now here they are, discussing Louis complicated family.

"Alright so your mum, is there any issue with her? Or has she always been less difficult to deal with?" Niall asks crossing his legs.

"Anyone is easier to deal with than my father. I've never had an issue with my mum. We've always been close." Louis explains.

"Is she aware of the problems you and your dad have, I know you mentioned they weren't together for very long." Niall asks cocking his head to the side.

"Everyone has problems with my dad. She's aware of what I've had to deal with. He wasn't around much for my first few years. It wasn't until I was like.. eh maybe five that my mum gave up on the bloke and found someone else. Not much longer Lottie came along." Louis shared.

"What kind of problems would you say people have with your dad?" Niall asks writing something down.

"Probably just the fact he's a dick who doesn't realize his problems are his fault." Louis says with a shrug.

"Okay... when did your dad come back?" Niall asks writing in his notebook.

"My mum invited him to her wedding. Still can't tell if it was petty or kind." He says with a faint laugh.

"The ladder?" Niall says clicking his pen shut and uncrosses his legs. "So is it just the four of you? Mum, step-dad, Lottie and you?" Niall inquired.

Louis sighs. "Eh no, but it was for a while. Then she had Fizzy, next the twins, Phoebe and Daisy."

"And how's it like with them?" Niall asks.

"Well I'm big brother to four sisters so while they had a dad I took over the assumed "dad role" 'cause I didn't have one and their dad worked a lot. But they're great. They live back in Donny." Louis explains with a bright smile.

"Beautiful. Do you see them often?" Niall wonders cocking his head to the side.

Louis sighs. "Not really. They're coming into town next week so I'll see them then." He shares.

"Great." Niall says with a smile. He looks over at the clock next to his desk. "Okay Louis, that concludes our session. I got some great information that we can certainly build from, how do you feel?" He inquires.

"Strange. Never done this before." Louis admits honestly.

"This can be difficult for people to adjust to, so if you would like we can schedule our next appointment." Niall says with a smile.

Louis pauses. He didn't think this far ahead. In all honesty he thought this was going to be a one and done thing.

"I'll have to check my schedule." Louis says half lying.

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