Aftermath Burzek

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I got a request for having a panic attack and passing out. I also had an idea for a one-shot after Mikayla's kidnapping so I threw them in one.

TW for kidnapping.

Kim and Adam had just found Makayla. Kim was in the back of the ambulance with Mak holding her hand. Adam was driving behind the truck. They got to the hospital in 10 minutes.

"Makayla Burgess GCS 10 kidnapped ad drugged with ketamine.

"We need to get her under to pump her stomach. Kim, we need you to sign consent forms." Will told her.

"Ok" Kim replied.

Kim quickly signed the consent forms and they put her under. Adam and Kim went into the waiting room while the procedure was being done Kim held Adams's hand and clung to him he felt her begin to cry a couple of minutes later.

"Hey it's ok Maks ok we found her and she's safe she's going to be ok" Adam attempted to soothe her.

"I c-ca-cant br-bre-breathe" Kim gasped.

"Ssh ssh everything is ok just breathe for me in 1,2,3,4 out 1,2,3,4 slow down and focus on your breathing" Adam coaxed trying to calm her down.

"I'm di-dizzy" Kim choked out.

"Just breathe and squeeze my hand you're ok" Adam soothed

"Cant-" Kim passed out the mid-sentence and adam caught her and lowered her to the floor.


Maggie and April ran over with a wheelchair. They got her in it and brought her to a room. They used smelling salts to wake her up once they got her in a room.

"What happened," Kim asked confused.

"You had a bad panic attack and passed out babe," Adam told her.

Natalie came in just as Adam was explaining what happened.

"Hey, honey I heard what happened with Makayla I'm so sorry. I'm going to take your vitals real quick." Natalie told her.

Natalie took her vitals and her oxygen levels were back to normal but her blood pressure and heart rate were high and she was still very anxious.

"Ok, Kim I'm going to go check on Makayla's procedure then I'm going to give you something to relieve your anxiety. You can see Makayla when she wakes up." Natalie told her.

Natalie checked on Makayla and learned her procedure would be done in 10 minutes. She quickly grabbed a diazepam injection and walked back to Kim's room.

"Ok, Kim I'm going to give you a diazepam injection. It'll work much faster than the pill" Natalie informed her.

"Ok" Kim replied.

Adam grabbed her hand as Natalie cleaned her arm.

"Quick pinch" Natalie warned as she gave her the shot.

Kim winced and squeezed Adams's hand a little.

"Ssh" Adam soothed.

"Makayla should be out now. I'll go check on her" Natalie told them.

Natalie went and checked and Makayla was out of her procedure.

"She's out now we can see her," Natalie told them.

They went to Makalyas room and she was waking up as they were walking in.

"Mommy" Makayla called out.

"Oh, sweetheart im here your ok you're safe now" Kim soothed.

"I'm scared" Makayla cried out.

"I know sweetie I know but your safe now" Kim soothed.

"Where's Adam?" Makayla asked.

"I'm right here hi honey," Adam told her.

"I got taken by 2 men it was scary" Makayla cried.

"I know honey I know but your safe now they're not going to hurt you no one is going to hurt you again" Adam soothed.

They turned on the tv and watched Disney movies until Makayla fell asleep. Once she fell asleep Adam ran to the cafeteria and got them both a salad. On the way back he stopped by the gift shop and got Makayla a stuffed cat. He got back and set the cat next to Makayla and handed Kim her salad. They both ate and fell asleep until Makayla woke up screaming.

"Ssh sssh your ok your safe now it's not real it's over it's just a dream" Kim soothed.

Makayla woke up and started sobbing. Natalie and Will came running in a minute later and Makayla was sobbing to the point of hyperventilating.

"What happened," Will asked.

She had a nightmare" Adam responded.

"Please help her" Kim begged.

They pushed diazepam into her IV and she fell back asleep clutching the stuffed cat Adam had gotten her.

They woke up in the morning and Dr. Charles came in to talk to them about therapy. They set up appointments for all 3 of them and then will get started on the discharge paperwork.

"I wrote her a prescription for Valium for her to take as needed. The drugs have completely cleared her system she just needs rest" Will told them/

They both thanked will and went home. When they got home Makayla was scared.

"Mommy I'm scared," Makayla told her.

"I know baby I know but you're safe now we're here and no one is going to hurt you your safe" Kim soothed while picking her up.

They watched movies and slept on and off for the rest of the day. Makayla slept in Kim and Adams's bed and both Makayla and Kim had multiple nightmares. This continued for a week until they saw Doctor Charles.

"Makayla and I both aren't sleeping at night. She's sleeping with us and we both have multiple nightmares per night." Kim told Dr.Charles.

"Nightmares are completely normal after a trauma like this. I am going to prescribe both of you a sleeping bed that should help with the nightmares. I would also recommend that you guys sleep with a weighted blanket. They're proven to help with anxiety and nightmares. As for Mak sleeping with you guys, keep on doing that for the next 2 weeks then move to sleep in her room with her for 2 weeks then gradually start having her sleep on her own" Dr.Charles told them.

"Ok thank you" Kim replied.

They went home and all played games til bedtime.

They had to go to work the next day and brought Makayla with them. She sat in the breakroom watching Disney on her iPad and coloring. Whenever they would go out, Trudy would go into the breakroom with Makayla,

They continued to have Makayla sleep with them for the next 2 weeks. Then they moved to sleep with her in her room the first week was hard but then it got easier. 2 months later she was able to sleep through the night in her own bed.

A/N Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and happy holidays. Have a safe and fun Holiday.

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