5x6 Upstead

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I saw a TikTok edit on 5x6 and this idea popped into my head for some reason. Jay and Hailey are married in this.

Hailey woke up thinking it was going to be a normal day. Little did she know it wasn't.

They caught a case of a family that was murdered. They were at a conference when they got the call. They searched the house and found a large amount of drugs. Kevin and Adam talked to one of the neighbors and were able to get a description of the man. The next day they met up at the district early in the morning to try and solve the case. After some digging, Hailey found a potential dealer of the dad who had been killed in the shooting. He matched the description that Adam and Kevin had gotten the night before. Voight suggested contacting Sargent Mcgrady who worked in narcotics because he worked in that area. At first, Hailey was a little hesitant about working with Mcgrady. He used to be her sergeant in the past and it wasn't the best.

They met up to go talk to their suspect.

"Well, this seems like old times," Mcgrady said.

"Look I know we've had our differences but let's just focus on the job and keep it professional" Hailey replied, he agreed and the conversation ended.

"So what do we know about Quinton Kane?" Jay, who was walking behind them asked.

"Uh well, he's a main suspect in 3 homicides that I've been chasing. We get close but you know no indictment thanks to that brave ASAs" Mcgrady told him.

"You know what flag he flies? Jay asked,

"Yeah. it's the 100 syndicate. He has a couple of legit businesses too" Mcgrady replied.

"Any priors," Hailey asked,

"Two five years ago agg battery and then three months ago dui case still pending" replied,

Mcgrady came up with a plan and Hailey and Jay followed through even though they didn't exactly agree with it. As they were watching the suspect in the surveillance van, Jay got a phone call confirming the suspect was the shooter. They got him into custody and then brought him in for questioning. They couldn't tell for sure that the suspect was the shooter so they had to let him go.

Hailey and Mcgrady had plans to meet up to go over the case. Hailey invited Jay but he decided to stay and work on the case from the district. He told Hailey he loved her and that he would see her at home. They hugged and then parted ways. Hailey was exhausted so she stopped for coffee on the way. As she was driving Mcgrady out out she called for backup over the radio.

"10-1 6425 squad shots fired at the police. I'm at 5392 South Hoyne. I've been hit oh god! Officer down"  Mcgrady called over the radio

Hailey's fight or flight immediately kicked in. "this is 5021 Charlie I'm en route to the officer calling the 10-1.  I will respond in 5 blocks away" Hailey said into her radio. Haileu turned on her lights and floored it to the scene. When she got there, her worst fear was confirmed. He was dying. She called for an ambo. She held pressure on his wound but he died in her arms. Hailey was trying desperately to hold it together. As soon as Jay got there he ran up to her and wrapped her in a tight protective hug, ignoring the blood that was on Hailey.

"You ok?" Jay asked.

"I'm fine" Hailey replied. Jay could tell she wasn't but decided not to push it. He got some wipes from his trunk and cleaned Hailey up the best he could

They all started to try and find out what happened.

Jay was double-checking that she was ok when Voight walked up to them. He asked to speak to Hailey privately. Jay hugged her again and kissed her head then walked away to give them some privacy.

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