Chapter 76

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Chapter 76


Jungkook never ended up showing Taehyung better porn. He would have. Maybe. If Eunji hadn't coincidentally texted him at that moment. Which was very important... yeah, he'd chickened out of that one. He just felt way too embarrassed to look for something that would represent what he considered normal... sex. What even was he meant to show?

Not that Taehyung had mentioned it since. The last few days Taehyung had seemed pretty hyper-fixated on maps. Jungkook wasn't entirely sure why. When it had started he had asked a lot of questions on how to read the details of maps and Jungkook, while he knew the basics, wasn't entirely sure how to read all the different specific maps depicting some details like depth.

So the first day of Taehyung's hyper-fixation Jungkook had been googling something new about maps every ten minutes. He really wasn't sure what Taehyung was even getting out of these maps. He still couldn't read for the most part, so the city names and countries probably meant nothing to him, but that didn't seem to deter him at all.

"Jungkook?" It was the fourth day and Taehyung had just spent a whole three hours staring at maps of Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

"Yeah?" Jungkook walked over to him from where he had been studying. Taehyung was sitting on the floor, the map prints spread out on the floor all around him. His finger was resting on a coastline in the southeast of Japan. Jungkook barely even noticed the fact that his hand was clawed anymore. When was it not?

"Where is this?"

Jungkook sat down and carefully moved Taehyung's hand to the side to read the name of the place written under his finger. "Prefecture Chiba. It's in Japan."

Taehyung nodded contently as if the name meant anything to him. "Let's go there."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The last time this had happened was when Taehyung had first gotten here and he had led Jungkook to Yoongi and Jimin, back when he hadn't spoken a word.

"Any reason you want to go there?" Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the area. To go there he would have to get a flightdate booked. He had some friends in Tokyo that likely would let him crash at their place, or they could get a hotel... but why did Taehyung want to go there?

"It's a surprise." Taehyung declared while he got up and started gathering the maps. It seemed like whatever he had been looking for these last couple of days was in Chiba.

"You want me to book a flight for the two of us, not knowing why you want to take me there?"

Not just that. He would have to ask Jimin if he had a passport or something along those lines for Taehyung because taking a flight without one would be hard.

Taehyung grinned approvingly, picking up the last of the maps.

"Alright." Who was Jungkook to reject a surprise? "I'll see when I can get a flight there."

"Thank you. I think I'm going out for a swim for a bit."

"Sure... should I come along?" Jungkook offered, also getting up again.

For a second Taehyung seemed to contemplate, but then he nodded. "Want to join me?"

Jungkook snorted. "No thank you. Have you noticed the temperature?" The last couple of days had been ridiculously cold.

"As always, so sensitive." Taehyung teased.

"You mean because I do not enjoy swimming when it's five degrees out?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

Taehyung was making fun of him although Jungkook was already pretty good at enduring cold compared to most other people. Especially the last week or so... it had gotten pretty cold again, but Jungkook had barely noticed. The only reason he had was that Eunji had stared at him incredulously for coming to uni in a simple hoodie, while she had come wrapped in a big scarf and a warm jacket.

At least Jungkook wouldn't freeze too much, sitting by the ocean, while Taehyung enjoyed his time in the water. He was going to use that time to plan a flight, it seemed.

They were in Japan. Somehow. Jungkook was holding both of their passports in his hands. Jimin had brought Taehyung's by personally a week ago. And Jungkook didn't even want to know how they had gotten Taehyung one of these. What especially got him though was Taehyung's absolutely murderous expression on his passport picture.

It was obvious that Jimin and Yoongi had dragged him to take that picture against his will, probably with a professional photographer, before Taehyung and Jungkook had even met. Back when Taehyung had been very anti human, in general. Poor random person. He probably had been confused why his client had been glaring daggers at him.

They had taken a flight straight to Tokyo. Jungkook had decided against spending the night at a friend's simply to avoid additional stress for Taehyung. At times like this Jungkook was so grateful for his parents. When he had mentioned wanting to go to Japan, they had instantly offered to pay for his trip. With the cutest condition added to it. He had to get his mother her favorite snack from one of the shops she had discovered when she had visited Tokyo in the past.

"Come on. We have to make it to our hotel in Onjuku before six p ,to get our keys." Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's arm to drag him through the crowd of people. He was doing pretty well, given his previous reactions to crowds of people. Aside from a little fervently dodging everyone around him, Taehyung almost looked normal.

He had also done pretty well onboard the plane. Jungkook had intentionally kept him busy the whole time and Taehyung wasn't checking everyone around them every second. That was progress.

Since Taehyung had insisted that they needed to stay near the ocean, Jungkook had booked an hotel in Onjuku. The drive there ended up being even easier than the flight. Taehyung, who had spent the five days before they had their flight, who knows where actually fell asleep on Jungkook's shoulder on the third bus they had to take. Jungkook wondered what he had been up to during the time that he was gone, that he was so tired.

Sometimes Taehyung just spent a few days in the ocean. Probably to combat the homesickness he always felt when he spent too much time on land.

When they finally reached Onjuku, Jungkook almost felt guilty for waking Taehyung up, but there was no way to avoid it. When they stepped out of the bus, the air was a lot more fresh and salty than it had been in Tokyo.

Taehyung seemed to notice too, breathing in deeply, seemingly waking up more. "We're here?"

His hand slid into Jungkook's, so casually that he almost didn't notice, but when he did he couldn't help smiling. "Yeah."

The hotel Jungkook had picked wasn't the most luxurious, but he had chosen it for a different reason. The fact that it was an onsen. Something about sitting in a hot spring with Taehyung and just enjoying himself sounded absolutely perfect.

He had already planned a lot of things that he could do with Taehyung. Find some good restaurants, maybe go for a quick evening swim by the beach together and then sit in one of the hot springs. But all those plans went flying out the window when Jungkook had finished putting all their things into their room, went to grab them some snacks and drinks from a nearby convenience store and came back just to find Taehyung fast asleep on his bed.

Softly chuckling to himself Jungkook walked up to him and carefully pulled Taehyung's blanket up. What did it matter? They still had five more days to enjoy this place. Taehyung was clearly exhausted from the seven-hour flight and all the traveling. And whatever else he had been doing the last couple of days. He deserved a good night of rest.


This chapter is a little short but the next one is looong so, I hope you guys can forgive me. I will post the next one as soon as my beta gets around to editing it !!!

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