Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Jungkook woke up to a hand on his throat. Just like the day before, after the creature had pulled him out of the water. When he opened his eyes he immediately came face to face with those unsettling gray ones. The guy was leaning over him, staring right back at Jungkook.

Once again he felt claws digging into his skin. It burned. It hadn't hurt this much before since he had been too distracted with all the other pain he had been feeling, but now Jungkook really felt how bad those little tears felt as the creature's claws sunk deeper into his neck.

He was going to die, wasn't he? And he'd never find out the reason why. Why the thing suddenly seemed to have changed its mind again.

But then he was yanked to his feet, the thing way stronger than its body looked, made it seem as he pulled Jungkook through the room. He tried his best to stumble after him, since he didn't want more pressure on his throat. Didn't want the cuts in his skin to deepen.

He was pulled into the bathroom and to his surprise the bathtub was full. The creature had to have filled it while he had been sleeping. That was the only assumption he got to make before he was harshly pushed into the bathtub. For a second he found himself underwater before breaking through the surface again, gasping for air. He couldn't nearly drown again. His lungs were still burning from the first time.

But the second he made eye contact with the creature standing over him he knew that that was exactly what would happen. He certainly knew for sure when he felt the clawed hand on his forehead pushing him down.

Jungkook screamed. So loudly that even the creature outside of the water must have heard him. Jungkook could see him oddly well. Leaning over the bathtub, an unsettling smile on his lips displaying all his sharp teeth.

Jungkook was going to die. He was going to drown. The burning sensation in his lungs grew stronger. He'd have to gasp for air any second now. He already knew what it was going to feel like. He struggled, thrashed around, but the thing kept his head underwater with ease, no matter how hard Jungkook tried to get up. His bathroom had to be flooded with water at this point.

And then he couldn't hold back anymore. He had to breathe in. But the pain never came.

Instead he stared up at his bedroom ceiling, panting heavily, his whole body sweating. His lungs burned... he really must have held in that breath. His clothes clung to his skin, but he wasn't completely soaked. Just sweaty.

Still breathing heavily he turned to the side and glanced over the edge of the bed, only to find the boy still sleeping on the floor. He was hugging one of the pillows to his chest, looking so harmless, but Jungkook knew he wasn't. No matter how innocent he looked, he was anything but.

His heart was beating way too quickly in his chest as he got up as quietly as possible to not wake up the boy - he was scared what he would do to him if he did- and tiptoed to the kitchen. Jungkook had to drink something. His throat was dry and his body overheated now that the cold finally seemed to have left his bones. Like it was making up for all the time he had been cold.

After drinking a bit of water and staring out of the window for a while he turned around, only to have half a heart attack when he found the thing standing by the door. He looked so human. His eyes were about half their normal size, glued together from sleep, his hair an absolute mess as he yawned.

Jungkook half expected it to say something, but then he realized that it wouldn't. What was he doing here? He didn't look like he wanted to do anything in particular in the kitchen. He just watched Jungkook, still sleep drunken.

And then Jungkook realized. The thing was keeping an eye on him. Made sure he wouldn't run away... call for help. It wasn't stupid. Those were the things Jungkook was most likely to do and of course they weren't good for the creature.

"I- I just got some water. I hope that's okay." For some reason he felt like he had to make that clear. That he hadn't tried to get away from the creature. That there wasn't any reason for it to kill Jungkook because Jungkook was well behaved and wouldn't try to cause it any trouble.

The boy nodded, yawning again, expectantly waiting for Jungkook to finish whatever he was doing and come back. Feeling a bit unsettled Jungkook gulped down some more water before filling his glass to take it to his bedroom. He didn't want to wake the creature up again.

"I had a nightmare earlier about you trying to kill me again..." he started, uncertain if this was a good idea. But he had to ask. Because he had to know. "You... won't kill me, right? Because you need me for something."

The thing looked at him for a few seconds before it just shrugged. Whatever Jungkook had hoped he would get for an answer... this wasn't it. He certainly didn't feel reassured.

"But you don't have any plans to do it?" Jungkook tried again.

This time the creature nodded, to his relief. At least his death didn't have a fixed date yet. So he really had to stay in the guy's favor.

"Do you want some water too?" He offered weakly.

The creature shook its head and Jungkook was left to wonder what he should do now. He felt so on edge, after that dream he really doubted he'd fall asleep again. No matter how innocent the creature looked sleeping.

If he decided to kill Jungkook he certainly could, even in that state.

"Do you need something? Anything?" Jungkook offered once again, but the creature shook its head. So they went back to his room. He watched as the boy slipped under the blanket and made himself comfortable on the pillows again. Jungkook on the other hand took his laptop, connected his headphones, and started watching a movie.

The boy didn't seem bothered by it. Just closed his eyes and went back to sleep. For a couple of seconds Jungkook considered whether he should use his laptop to come up with a way to deal with this situation. But he was tired and exhausted, and his head wasn't working.

He'd do that at some point later. For now he was really just going to watch a movie or something to calm down.

Fuck, he had a test tomorrow. With all that panic he had almost forgotten about that. Given how sleep deprived and drained he was he was surely going to do great. Sighing he opened Netflix.

There wasn't anything in particular he could do about it for now. He'd worry again tomorrow.


What do you guys think so far?

Also heads up this story if it isn't obvious is gonna be slowburn... like reeeeeeally slowburn

I once saw the tag #eventualromance and it's like the perfect tag for this besides #foodtolovers

Love ya'll💜

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