Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


When Jungkook woke up the next morning the pillow bed next to him was empty, which was not exactly unusual. After all, Taehyung had learned how to use the TV while Jungkook had been in bed sick.

What he hadn't expected though was to find Taehyung sleeping in the bathtub when he entered the bathroom to brush his teeth and go through his morning routine, which consisted of some makeup and brushing his hair to make it look less like a mess.

But since there was a Siren in his bathtub he decided to first drink some coffee before he'd deal with that. Because even after a week of living together... waking Taehyung up was a scary thing.

He wasn't all that lucky though because unlike he had hoped for Taehyung did not wake up on his own. Jungkook would have prolonged waiting, but he had to go to uni and he didn't want to leave Taehyung here on his own. Who knew what kind of fit he would throw.

"Hey, Taehyung?" He ended up saying softly, a good meter away from the bathtub... just to make sure he wasn't in reach of the claws that were in their natural form right now. Jungkook wondered whether it actually was hard to stay in that human form. After all, it seemed like Taehyung preferred his natural form and he sometimes he did slip up a bit. Not much. Just the scales on his feet and sometimes his eyes changed, but aside from that, he seemed pretty well in control.

There were so many questions he probably should have asked Jimin when he'd had the chance to. But then again, he also had the other siren's phone number - which was so weird to think about - so he could just go ask him if he really got curious about something.

The siren in front of him opened his eyes and looked at him with those unsettling empty, grey eyes again. Jungkook still couldn't quite grasp how this guy had this much of an effect on him, how Jungkook couldn't look away but then at the same time he felt so unsettled by the way he looked. Siren magic, probably.

Taehyung was like a magnet, but now that Jungkook was aware of that, he could fight it. Probably.

"We have to get ready. Let's live onhrough an interesting day in the life of a human." He clapped his hands, really not feeling enthusiastic, but maybe it was going to annoy Taehyung too.

The siren stretched its arms, yawning, and Jungkook moved a step back at the sight of sharp teeth. So unsettling.

"Should I get you clothes for the day?" Jungkook offered, not like he was going to take Taehyung with him naked, but he could at least create the illusion that Taehyung had a choice in this.

The boy nodded, leaning back against the bathtub.

Jungkook really didn't give much mind to the clothes he picked out for Taehyung. It wasn't like the ocean boy was going to have any preferences in clothes and colors so Jungkook just chose stuff he would wear together and that was it.

When he returned to the bathroom Taehyung was human again. The claws and teeth and luckily also the grey hue on his eyes gone. "Today I only have to go to uni because I need to talk to one of my professors. It will take about an hour and then we can spend the rest of the day... doing human things." He chuckled, putting the clothes on the floor.

Taehyung got up, once again very naked. The siren really didn't seem to have any common sense for privacy, but Jungkook could deal with seeing dicks, especially ones that didn't look like shrimp.

"Is that alright with you?" He grabbed the towel, holding it up for Taehyung to grab. Yep, no touching. He'd understood that that was a complete no go for Taehyung. The boy took it and started drying himself off, still not really caring that he was showing everything to Jungkook.

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