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Wei Changze went into town to scout if there were spies still looking for them or if he would hear some rumours about what was going on in the city. Changse stayed behind and taught her a'Xian some few skills while they stayed behind and also taught him some skills while they were waiting for Wei Changze.

" a'Xian, remember to always smile don't let anyone take your happiness away from you good and help those in need, don't forget all of a'ma's teachings. Everything I taught you will have a very great reward for you when you grow up. And never forget that a'ma loves a'Xian very much." Changse ruffled Wei Ying's hair and kissed the top of his head, she wanted to prepare her son since she knew that Wei Ying's soulmate is from that Lan clan the least she could do was prepare him to be able to live peacefully with them. She had been doing that since Wei Ying was still very little, she taught him values and atiquettes. She knew her son was naughty and she knew that he got that naughtiness from her,but she knows what her naughtiness did to the one she wanted to her heart to and since they were very strict then it wouldn't hurt to groom her son to be one of them. She wanted him to embrace life as hard and painful as it is without fear.

Wei Changze came back and told changse that he didn't hear anything about their names or any rumours of some sort involving them, he didn't want to leave unprepared. So they packed what was needed for their journey in the morning and went to sleep after having dinner. Wei Ying had some strange feeling but he didn't understand what it was about, he had been living in the forest far away from people and he should be happy going out to see what the world has out there, but that was not the case. When his parents were deep asleep he woke up and went to the tiny room that his parents made for his meditation, the house was small and only had two rooms so they did the best they could with the small kitchen they had and made nook for him. Ever since he was 2years old, Wei Ying would meditate in the forest and at that time he would say he was taking a nap and sit in a meditative posture and his parents knew that he was meditating, they knew the Gods were guiding him in every single thing he was doing. feel at ease they decided to make a nuke so he could meditate inside the house away from the dangers of humans, animals and most of all...evil spirits. He would meditate twice a day for 2hours and kept advancing.

When he was born,everything he had seen in the spirit world while he was in his mother's womb were taken away from him, he didn't have any memory of it and he would sometimes tell his mother that he wants to marry a beautiful woman like her when he grows up, that's where Changse realised that he doesn't remember anything from the spirit realm. So she took it upon herself to teach him everything and prepare him to be more open minded so he would accept his soulmate being a man. Changse was so disappointed and she knew this was going to hurt her son in the future, she knew he had powers and she would train him to use them but they were so little and he would tire very easily and for that he had to start meditating for atleast 2 or even more hours twice a day, but his power core was with his soulmate. Wei Ying didn't know about the world as he thought everyone must have powers like him since he was raised in the middle of the forest, knowledge of the world was taught to him by his mother and she would tell him stories about things that were actual reality,but since she didn't want to scare her son she had told him she made it up, and that's how she was successful in convincing Wei Ying not to use his powers infront of people and that one day he will have so much power and that he must use it for good and not bad or evil.

Wei Ying sat in his alcove and meditated and when he stopped he realised that it was morning, he had been meditating for the whole night unaware, he had thought it was only 2 or 3 hours but the rays of sunshine that lit thorough every small opening and in even the holes in the roof told him otherwise. He stood up and went to wake his parents up but they were already awake and when they saw him in his book they thought he woke up in the morning and went to meditate. Little did they know their son had been meditating for the whole night, he didn't say anything since he didn't want his parents to worry about him too much about him, he saw how they were always worried and sometimes it was like they were worried about something other him, and whatever that thing was, was even greater than him,Wei Ying was a special child and even though he didn't have memory of his journey in the spirit realm he had premonitions and he would somehow stop his parents from doing somethings or his father from going somewhere in his own way. He had had them ever since he started to crawl and he would cry non stop until his parents would worry that he was maybe sick and his father would stop going where he wanted to go since he didn't want to leave Changse alone with their sick child. When he had his speech his first words were 'danger, noo!' while spreading his tiny arms to stop his father from going out, he would cry and they knew he was warning them about dangers.

This time he didn't have premonitions, but rather an uneasy feeling that sank into his stomach and his tiny four years old heart beat rapidly. He watched his his parents prepared for the journey and took some snacks for him to eat along the way after they had finished their breakfast, they walked out closing the door and walking out of the forest while changse was holding his tiny hand tightly. Along the way out of the forest they saw an old house and it looked like someone was living in it since there was smoke coming out of the chimney. They were about to pass by when Wei Ying stopped them!

ETERNAL DESTINY ( LAN WANJI & WEI WUXIAN UNTAMED)Where stories live. Discover now