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Shadow's POV:

It was 9:45 pm and I just finished with all of my work. I got up, cleaned my workspace and left the room. Next door I see my white-furred bat friend sleeping from all the work we had today. I woke her up, knowing that I could never leave her with all the perverted freaks around the workspace.

"Huh, wha?" , She said as she was half awake from her 30 minute slumber. "We gotta go home, here", I said softly as I handed her my green chaos emerald. She looked confused, but now I know that she is fully awake. "Where are you going hon? I heard it's gonna' rain.." She said with a little concern in her voice. She stood from her seat and watched me as I put on my brick red hoodie with checker prints in the middle. "Imma walk home this time, to clear my mind. I'll be back before supper I promise" I smiled lightly at her and she took notice. She sighed as she waved goodbye at me.

I walked out of the G.U.N building and took notice at the sky. It was grey-ish with dark, heavy clouds covering the moon and stars. I ignored the signs and kept on walking, it's often quiet around this time so it helps me think quietly and calmly. Sometimes I get nostalgic memories, and sometimes I get rather bad memories. They were random but I like it, although there's a memory that I have often when I walk during certain hours.

(Shadow's Memory fragment)

I sat against a big oak tree and started to scan the area. It was big area with a pond that is as clean as glacier water and as clear as crystals. Chao's and other life forms such as fireflies and butterflies like to roam around here. There was also patches of blue orchids everywhere, their glowing aura was supported by the moon's bright light. This area was perfect, nobody I had to Cope with, especially that blue id-

My thoughts were cut off by a cloud of dirt and grass hitting my face, blinding me for a second before revealing the person who caused it. "Whoops! Sorry Shadz.." the cobalt hedgehog apologized with his stupid grin. "Stop calling me that.." It was annoying that this idiot found my secret place, but it was more aggravating that he keeps giving me nicknames.

"How the hell did you find me??" I stood up subconsciously and glared at him as if I was stabbing him with a knife. "Y-you sent me your location, thought u might be in trouble." Faker said as he showed his phone for proof. I looked at him and sighed "I hate phones." I scowled and sat back down. "You just gotta get used to its features, just like *mumbles*". He said, as he down next to me.

"What did you say?" I asked him as I didn't hear the last part of faker's sentence. "I, Umm, I said just like you need to get used to others." , Sonic said in a almost whisper. I was taken aback by that, I don't know why but I was. "What is that suppose to mean??" I said as my voice lowered during this conversation. He's starting to ruin my mood and my peace. The hedgehog sighed and looked at me with sincere eyes, "It's okay to distant yourself from others, but too much distance will get everyone worried". He lowered ears down, upset as it was, he's right. I calmed my anger with a deep sigh, and breathe into the cool air. "It's for the best, I am a subject that was made for a weapon, not for family nor friends. They wouldn't cared if I died anyway because of what I am. A cold-hearted machine".

When sonic heard this he looked surprisingly angry at me, " A cold-hearted machine? you haven't realized that many people cared for you, back in the past to now." he said, looking down. He mumbled something but I didn't hear him. I looked at him in awe, I never expected this conversation to be mature and lesson-learning. "Don't look away now, I know that you like to be complimented" he said, smirking at me to show that he won. I chuckled a bit and looked forward to see the beautiful pond filled with white, red, and orange fishes.

"Behind one's light, shows the shadows of one's truth." Sonic quote out loud for me to hear, I only responded with a confused look on my face. Why did he say that? Is this some kind of joke?

" I say that to myself when I need a spark to reality. Even if the truth can hurt them, they don't get fully overwhelmed by it, instead they change for the better. Like positivity over negativity or past and future." He finished his ramble over his own quote. I responded with a smirk. "What's with the smirk?" He said chuckling. "So much detail over one quote, why don't you show me an example?" I said, amused by my own question.

Sonic thought about the perfect example, he then smiled brightly. His smile makes me feel differently about him, not hate, but something more? He said something that cut me from my thoughts, something about flowers? "See those blue orchids? They shine brightly from the big moon above us. But the truth is, without the light they will soon wither away." He said. Fireflies roam around in his hair as he smiled brightly at that. "Even if they die, they don't die instantly, they keep moving on, showing their beauty to everyone." He continued. His words hit deep, It was interesting to see that the hedgehog was inspired by his own words and became what he is now. I kinda respect that.

"So why are you bringing this up?" I asked, I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something with, " You'll find your light someday, don't stay in the shadows any longer Shadz". He grinned at me with a thumbs up.

(End of Memory fragment)

His last words always felt like a needle struck my brain unexpectedly, what was he trying to say? I ask enough questions for today, my head hurts now. That was months ago I need to forget it. I put my hands up on my temples to relief the pain a little. I felt water drop on my nose, alerting me that it was about to rain. I need to get home fast. I walked across the street, to see the National park. I was getting ready to used my ability to get home faster until I sense someone's presence on the way. I stopped and scanned the area I walked around to see a big tree with a body laying against it. I cautiously walked up to the tree, revealing the mobian. My eyes widen in shock as I saw him, his limp body almost made me thought that he was dead.

What happened to him?

Behind one's light, shows the shadows of one's truth.Where stories live. Discover now