A fond memory it was

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Sonic's POV:

As I got out of the shower I remembered Shadow's words, I really had a good dream? That's kinda impossible, I had been getting nightmares and no dreams so far. I try to think on what was my dream about. It was more of a memory other than dream, but it was one of my best memories.

(Sonic's Memory Fragment)

It was night and I was walking through dirt path in the woods. I whistled a short tune as I look at nothing but trees and flowers, it was boring honestly. I heard a notification come from my phone. I pulled my phone out of my quills and see who it was. I was quite surprised but frowned as I feared for the worst.

Shadow sent me his location and that's it, there are a lot of theories of what can happen. But I didn't take much thought on it and speed-run to the location.

I'm here now where's- WOAH!
This area is amazing! There are chao's and this huge crystal-like pond with tiny fishes in. Patches of blue orchids is around and all was glowing from the light of the big moon. I wonder how Shadow found this place. After some walking I found the black and red hedgehog sitting against a big oak tree. Why did he bring me here? He didn't replied to my messages after sending me the location. I decided to surprise him and run at full speed.

But it gone wrong when a cloud of dirt hit his face, oops. "Whoops! Sorry Shadz.." I sincerely apologized with a smile . "Stop calling me that.." he said, but he knows that I will never stop. I just hope that we can get closer so he can give me a nickname.

I snapped back into reality when he abruptly stood up, glaring at me as if he was stabbing me with his eyes. "How the hell did you find me??" Shadow growled saying that. I got tense when I realized that we were closer than I thought. Shadow paid no mind though. "Y-you sent me your location, thought you might be in trouble." I said, and showed him my phone for proof. "I hate phones." He said and sat back down. I smiled at that. "You just gotta get used to its features, just like *mumbles*". I said, frowning at the last part that I said. I sat down next to my companion and looked at the stars in the sky.

"What did you say?" He asked, head tilted in confusion. "I, Umm, I said just like you need to get used to others company." , I said in a almost whisper. I was nervous but I had to say the truth, it's unbearable to see someone suffer in a traumatic past, I've been through it too. "What is that suppose to mean??" He said as his voice lowered during this conversation. I sighed and looked at Shadow with sincere eyes, "It's okay to distant yourself from others, but too much will get everyone worried". We stole glances from eachother, and I saw the sadness in his eyes. "It's for the best, I am a subject that was made for a weapon, not for family nor friends. They wouldn't cared if I died anyway because of what I am. A heartless monster". He lowered down his ears in defeat.

When I heard this I felt pity and anger at the same time. How dare he disown his self, I scowled at that. " A heartless monster? you've haven't realized that many people care for you, back in the past and now. I care for you too y'know..." I said. I mumbled the last sentence, and looked down slightly with my face heating up. It look like he was surprised that I said that and looked away. "Don't look away now, I know that you like to be complimented" I said, smirking and nudging his arm with my elbow. He chuckled and looked forward to see the pond. I watched the fish swim around in the water gracefully.

"Behind one's light, shows the shadows of one's truth." I quote out loud for him to hear, he only gave me a confused look on his face. I chuckled at his cluelessness.

" I say that to myself when I need a spark to reality. Even if the truth can hurt them, they don't get fully overwhelmed by it, instead they change for the better. It could mean 2 different things, like positivity over negativity or past and present." I said. Shadow said nothing but replied with a smirk. I felt my cheeks flushed as he did that. "What's with the smirk?" I said, chuckling to ignore this feeling. "So much detail over one quote, why don't you show me an example?" He said, he looked really interested with my quote.

"An example huh?" I look around to find a perfect example. Then I saw patches of blue orchids, it's glowing light inspired me. I smiled brightly and turned to shadow.

"See those blue orchids? They shine brightly from the big moon above us. But the truth is, without the light they will soon wither away."

I said. Fireflies roam around me and I chuckled at that. "Even if they die, they don't die instantly, they keep moving on, showing their beauty to everyone." I spoke out heartily, and felt the cold air blowing through my quills. I stood up and walked towards the pond.

"So why are you bringing this up?" My friend asked, I laughed at his response; he really didn't get it. I turned to him and said " You'll find your light someday, don't stay in the shadows any longer Shadz". I laughed at my corny joke. I reassured him that he shouldn't get overwhelmed by his past and think about the now, I wouldn't want him to die alone. If he actually can I mean. I gave a thumbs up and walked away, leaving him with a riddle that he might crack.

(End of memory fragment)

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