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Sonic's POV:

We made it at the hotel and it was huge! There were over 5 buildings and 2 main pools with 1 water park on the side. There was even sea world near the hotel!

We got our keys from the main building and walked towards the first building. " Okay so, there's 2 keys so Rouge gets her own and we will share the room." Shadow stated. I stared at him and his crimson eyes. Me and Shadow sharing a room sounds problematic. I thought of something and my face starts to heat up. Shadow looked at me confused so I might as well ask. "Will there be one...b-bed?" I stammered while fidgeting my fingers. He looked at me in shock, his face starts to heat up too. "Well.. I think so.." Shadow replied. He looked nervous while scratching the back of his neck. Rouge cleared her throat and stopped our conversation. " Cmon love birds I wanna go to sleep." She said as she walked away. Hearing the word love birds made my face even hotter. We eventually followed her to meet our hotel rooms. Rouge's room was on the end on the hall, so like 6 doors away from us.

Shadow opened the door with our keycard and I walked in with the bags in my hands. "So, when are we gonna start the you know what " I said. I looked around the room. The wooden floors were polished and the kitchen was so clean. " Tomorrow, we always fully settle in until tomorrow. Although I need to train you." Shadow said. I paused and turned to him weirdly. "Train? I've worked with you many times!" I said as I threw my hands out into the air. He crossed his arms and gave a stern face. "On adventures. This is real agent work. We disguise ourselves and fit in so we won't get caught." He stated. I looked at him and laughed. "And you think I can't do that?" I said, I turned around and walked towards the living room.  The tv was mounted to the wall and the couches were a brick red with silk texture.

I heard steps but I ignore it. I was then was tackled by a pillow that was harshly thrown at me. I looked up to rub my now throbbing head and looked at Shadow. "Dumbass. You think that I don't know you at all? You're the cause of mistakes in every mission you've had with me!" He yelled as I lowered my ears from the volume. All of it was true, and I really feel bad for getting in trouble every time. "Look Shadow, I'll bring my A game up I promise." I said, standing up and walking towards him. I made a apologetic smirk and waited for his reaction. He only sighed and shook his head. "Try to not ruin it hedgehog." He said and marched his way onto the lovely couch.

He's acting weird, first he wants to the friends, now he's being a jerk all over again. I thought we felt a connection.

I walked towards the couch and also sat down. Silence was filling the air. I looked at Shadow to see him flipping through channels with the remote. My phone rang and to my surprise, it was Knuckles. " Heh, it's about time you use your phone old-timer." I said, chuckling after.  " I've figured out what happened, turns out Eggman created a machine to take energy from nearby. It was hiding in the bushes." He said happily. I smiled and said , "That's really great Knuckles I'm happy to hear that." I said. "But I gotta go, I'm at Florida finishing a mission." I finished as Shadow stared at me. His fierce eyes stabbed my heart. "Alright, see you soon!" He said and ended the call.

I see Shadow still staring at me like he was daydreaming. He then looked down at my shaved chest. I started to feel nervous as he was checking me out. "This might be personal, but are you transgender?" He asked softly. My heart and brain came to a complete stop. My shocked face answered his question. "H-how do you know?" I said in a whisper, I felt like someone was hearing us. "The faded scars aren't battle scars like you've said before." He said as he gently trace the scars on my chest with his finger. I pushed his hand away and covered my chest with my arms. Discomfort hit me hard, he now knows my secret. "Scars are scars." I said and averted my eyes from the hedgehog. "You're right, but the only thing that matters are their purpose in existing." Shadow said as he held my hand, causing me to release my arms from my torso.

I looked at beautiful eyes and cried. I cried so hard that my eyes were already turning swollen. He embraced me with his arms and gently patted my head. He pulled my head towards his fluffy chest and stood still. I blushed and smiled, Shadow is so caring sometimes. "I think your scars are pretty." I said as I looked up at Shadow's irresistible scars around his stomach and chest. I then looked at his lips to remember that scar on his lip. I stared at it, as it was mesmerizing me to get closer. Shadow then looked at me and smiled. "So many bad memories, but if it didn't happen then I wouldn't be here." He said as he was about to release me from his embrace.

I felt lonely as soon as he took his hands off of me.

3rd POV:

Shadow was about to get up from the couch until Sonic pulled him back to his spot. He looked at the blue hedgehog in confusion. Shadow felt tense as he felt something on his nose. Turns out it Sonic was nuzzling the other with his nose. After he finished both hedgehogs paused. Shadow covered his nose and looked red as a rose. Sonic did the same as he kept reluctantly apologizing. "S-sorry I really don't know why-" he said in slight panic. Shadow just froze down in place. His heart started beating faster as he now realize that he likes that interaction from him. Specifically Sonic.

"Are you okay? Shadow-" Sonic said as he waved in front of Shadow's blank eyes. Shadow snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at the blue hedgehog in concern for his self. Sonic was now confused and concerned. "What was that?" Shadow finally spoke as he twitched his nose left and right. "It's called a Eskimo kiss. Nuzzling each other by the nose is just a fun way to greet your love ones." Sonic replied, he scratched his neck and avoided the hedgehog's eyes. Shadow stared at him in awe. He then cupped Sonic's face with his gloved hands and did a eskimo kiss. Sonic's face instantly turned red and he squinted his eyes tightly. Shadow opens his eyes to see a red-faced hedgehog with his eyes closed. He chuckled to his self and let go of Sonic. He got up and walked towards the bathroom. "Don't get too lonely out here blue." He said before closing the bathroom door.

Sonic's POV:

Wow! He did it again! I like this side of him. I always knew he had a good heart, that's why I bother him so he knows that I'm there for him for any situation. Sometimes he's too good for me, even when he punches me in the face half of the time. I don't know why but I feel like we really have a connection. It's like we're meant to be but he doesn't know it yet! I'm quite convinced that's he's oblivious to my flirty comebacks. He's so ignorant at times, and I love that about him.

Ding! Ding!

I got a notification from Rouge, and she wants to start the mission today. This soon? Why?

Shadow got out of the bathroom. His gloves weren't on his hands so it was rare to see his actual hand. I stared at his hands in awe. This may be weird, but his hands look so soft, he really takes care of his self.  "Did something happen while I was gone?" He asked me. I looked at his face then at the phone. " Nothing really, Rouge wants to start the mission tonight." , I said as he was now looking directly at the phone. "Today? That's odd." He said, his fluffy ears twitched in different ways. "I don't mind seriously, the quicker we get this over with, the quicker we get to save the world." I said as I shrugged at him. He nodded and sat next to me to watch tv.

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