Chapter 10: Potions, DADA and Boggarts...

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That's Voldemort, 1000000000% P.S that is my art :)


"MADAM POMFREY" Godric shouted, entering the medical wing.

Madam Pomfrey came bustling out of her office and glanced around and saw Neville holding Harry.

"Mr Longbottom what is this havoc about—MR POTTER! YOU LAY DOWN ON A BED RIGHT NOW!" She bellowed. "And thank you, Mr Longbottom, for bringing him in, otherwise, god knows when he would show up by himself. Stubborn child!" She rambled as she began grabbing bandages, potions and wound cleaners.

Harry didn't know to either be offended at being called 'a child that won't listen at what is being said,' or be amused at all her rambling. 

Plus, Godric is stubborn, not Salazar!

"Mr Potter, we need to lay you down on a bed, and it may hurt, so take this potion," she said, holding out a glass filled halfway with a amber substance. Numbing potion?

"A numbing potion? It seriously won't hurt lying down—"

Harry got cut of by Madam Promfrey forcing him to drink the position.

They were soon joined by Draco Malfoy, who was weeping over his fractured wrist.

Madam Pomfrey wasn't as harsh as she was for Harry, but still had the prat lay down on a bed and speedily wrapped it up before continuing on Harry and the cuts on his arm.

She shooed Neville out of the infirmary and started bandaging his arm up.


Salazar finally got released from Madam Pomfrey's clutches and that too, just about before dinner. Madam Pomfrey only let him out with an bandaged arm after the bleeding was cleaned.

Man, she could be irritating sometimes...

He silently and elegantly made his way to the great hall and to the Gryffindor table and installed himself next to Neville and Ginny, with Ron and Hermione sitting opposite of them.

"Hey Harry! How're you feeling?" Ron asked with concern.

"I'm fine...but i can't help but focus on the pain," Salazar huffed out in fake sadness.

Dinner passed quite quickly and it was soon time to go back to their dormitories.

 Ron was playing chess with Ginny, Neville was reading about Defence Against The Dark Arts and Hermione was doing her homework for her subjects that she had already studied for and zoomed through them with her edict memory, and Harry was back to correcting his potions text book.

Shortly, the lights were off and everyone was in their beds, asleep and as graceful as anyone could be. 


Salazar woke on a early Thursday morning and in the lovely shine of sunlight beamed out of the circular windows. Red, orange, brown and yellow leaves fell from trees and blurs as they sped through the windows. A melody of chirps rang through the neutral autumn air.

 Another day on the first day of the week where Harry had learned everything. YAY. 

By now, Harry and Opal had already met Basil and from now on, Opal refused to leave Basil's side and the same was with Basil.

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