Chapter 23: A Bunch Of Nonsense

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This song is my entire being, and if you haven't heard it, it's literally a masterpiece, YOU MUST LISTEN TO IT IT'S TRULEY AMAZING

I LOVE YOU MITSKI  ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


No one in Gryffindor tower slept after Ron's screaming episode. They knew that the castle was being searched again, and the whole house stayed awake in the common room, waiting to hear whether Black had been caught or not. Professor McGonagall came back at the crack ass of dawn to tell them that he, yet again, had escaped.

Good on you Sirius, you Dog-it again.

Throughout the day, teachers tightened up the security even more, with traps on the door and only took them off when the students had to switch class, a break or if it was the end of the day. Harry couldn't help but noticing that the statue of the one-eyed witch on the third floor had remained unguarded and unblocked. It seemed that Fred and George had been right in thinking that it was unknown of, and if Harry could remember, he had never recalled adding the secret tunnel to anywhere or in any place of the castle.

Of course that there is a chance if the other three had added a last second adjustment, or it was built in the later days.

Ron had became an instant celebrity. For the first time in his life, people were paying more attention to him than to Harry, and it was clear, even to a mole, that Ron was rather enjoying his popularity. Though still severely shaken up by the nights events, he was extremely happy to tell anyone who asked what had happened, with a wealth of detail.

"... I was asleep, and I heard this ripping noise, and I thought it was in my dream, you know? But then there was this draft... I woke up and one side of the hangings on my bed had been pulled down... I rolled over... and I saw him standing over me... like a skeleton with loads of filthy hair... holding this great long knife, must've been twelve inches... and he looked at me, and I looked at him, and then I yelled, and then he scampered,"

"You know what else is twelve inches?" Neville said, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

That earned a stinging hex.

Ron rambled on to the second year Ravenclaw's who where undoubtedly eager to hear the school's latest gossip. Harry, Neville and Luna should know better than to withhold any gossip from Hermione. 

Neville was in total disgrace with Professor Mcgonagall, that she banned the rest of his Hogsmeade visits for the rest of the year, and possibly the next one too. Gave him four months worth of detention and made him hang upside down in the common rooms for at least an hour. Harry and Hermione laughed so hard that they probably scared the rest of the Gryffindors into thinking that they were in desperate need of Therapy.

They do.

And not to mention that Neville had received the very worst thing that a Hogwarts student could ever receive over breakfast- a Howler.

✨DuN dUn DuN✨

The school owls swooped into the Great Hall carrying the mail as usual, and Godric wheezed as a huge barn owl landed in front of him, a scarlet envelope clutched in it's beak. Ron, who had finally joined then at the dining table, palled 50 shades, having flashbacks to second years and the horrible screeching he had to suffer.

And before anyone could suggest anything, Neville whipped out his wand and cast an 'incendio' and started cackling like a mad man, while everyone near him were screaming about the fire.

With all the ruckus, Harry failed to notice that Hedwig was currently running out of patience just standing there. Luna, bless her sweet angelic soul, took the letter from Hedwig and saved Harry by getting the deadly nips of the owl.

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